I just don't understand why anyone would ride on the street around Sheridan Rd where it curves around the graveyard going back into Evanston/Chicago just North of Howard St. It is a blind spot for drivers going both ways and they are usually going pretty fast around those turns. The sidewalk is the obvious choice for playing it safe. I saw three people do it today. They all rode decent looking bikes and look like they even went to collage. I don't get it. If someone gets plowed, I am going to be inclined to blame the cyclist and not the driver. I think some bikers have attitudes like they own the road. The law says we share it, but the reality is we just borrow some of it. I hope if you are reading this and if you continue to ride that curve you at least know your an idiot. Thanks

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If the road curves,then strict caution should be taken by the cyclist. Period.

I'm a fixie rider,and i love to bike fast,but I bike smart and safe.
I don't think you're an idiot if you ride that stretch of Sheridan, but I take the sidewalk on that piece of real estate.
I was on that stretch last weekend going up to Highland Park. You just need to be alert, stay over to the right, and be chugging along at a good clip. It's fine once you hit that straightaway after the curve northbound.

There's no way I'd ride that at dusk and especially not dark.
SO what do you do when a car that does not see you plows into you during the curve in the blind spot ? Die ?

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I was on that stretch last weekend going up to Highland Park. You just need to be alert, stay over to the right, and be chugging along at a good clip. It's fine once you hit that straightaway after the curve northbound.

There's no way I'd ride that at dusk and especially not dark.
i disagree. Vehemently. As i do ride that curve every day. Both ways. Almost daily for years. No problem on the street, especially since the repaving this fall. The sidewalk's TOO narrow, TOO crowded, TOO broken up. As my regular commuting routes go, it's actually one of my safer stretches. If you want danger, try Sheridan south of Touhy PM rush hour. AM rush's no picnic either, but there are far far worse places. The curves at the bend are plenty wide enough.
Where's this blind spot? Where Juneway Terrace comes in? I hopped on from Juneway Terrace up to Sheridan Square.

cutifly said:
SO what do you do when a car that does not see you plows into you during the curve in the blind spot ? Die ?

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I was on that stretch last weekend going up to Highland Park. You just need to be alert, stay over to the right, and be chugging along at a good clip. It's fine once you hit that straightaway after the curve northbound.

There's no way I'd ride that at dusk and especially not dark.
You do what you do when and WHERE ever a car hits you, you suffer, sometimes you die. Happens anywhere, any time. You cannot ride forward looking over your shoulder. Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and go down the road. If you worry too much about What MIGHT happen, you're already doomed. Just be cautious, don't sit on your shoulders gazing out your navel (only one way to do that,) just ride.

cutifly said:
SO what do you do when a car that does not see you plows into you during the curve in the blind spot ? Die ?

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I was on that stretch last weekend going up to Highland Park. You just need to be alert, stay over to the right, and be chugging along at a good clip. It's fine once you hit that straightaway after the curve northbound.

There's no way I'd ride that at dusk and especially not dark.
I've taken the sidewalk on this stretch mostly because, along with the traffic, the road was horrible. Now that it's resurfaced I do ride on the road occasionally when I'm heading north (I even went to collage).

I will say I'm not comfortable riding on the road southbound because of the blinds curves and aggressive commute drivers eager for an open straightaway, which I think is the OP's point.
Bo said:
(I even went to collage)

I can't help it ;)
no one wants to have to scrape anyone up off the ground.
All of ya'll are crazy.


Video_Drome said:



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