1) You put on your jeans and they already have the right leg rolled up.


2) You do laundry when you don't have any more clean bike shorts.







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When your bike is worth more than your car.
You have guest bikes.
You also have guest helmets & U-locks. And socks...and gloves...and water bottles......
  • You get depressed reading the lost stolen bike registry website http://chicago.stolenbike.org/
  • You’ve spent more money on cycling related items than on your significant other in the last three months
Yep...Is my bike ok?

richard draney said:

you crash and your first question is...How's my bike?


Riding a bike through a big, congested city and feeling smarter than everyone else because you're moving.




when you are the one people go to for purchasing a bike, pros and cons list
You convinced your girlfriend who hasn't hardly touched a bike in 15 years to buy one and is now excited about riding.
...after you've grown your third new layer of skin on your hips, elbows, legs...

Cameron Puetz said:

If it’s spent on tandem it counts in both totals right?

flores said:

  • You’ve spent more money on cycling related items than on your significant other in the last three months
when you are seriously considering taking the metra all the way to Northbrook (which will consist of a 28 minute walk in the rain) to go meet up with your husband at work because he accidentally took both u lock keys with him and your bike is being held prisoner and you really really want to go on the Liars tour tonight.
when you build a back pack speaker set so all the riders in critical mass (or any other bike event for that matter) have some music to enjoy in the all chaos
You wonder if you could date someone who doesn't cycle.


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