You know those cool colored bike rims? Where can I find those? Can you alter your current rims to make them look like those colorful rims?

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That glow in the dark one actually seems like a good idea.  I'm not a fan of the colorful rims but that seems safe and it will look like you're riding a light cycle from tron.

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:

The signature model is a track wheel called the Velocity Deep V. It can cost a pretty penny. The less expensive, and less well made, alternative is the Origin8 Track Attak. I have never seen one of these wheels with anything other than a freewheel or fixed gear setup. I suppose it could be possible to find one made for cassettes but I don't know for sure.


The sexier brother to the Velocity Deep V is the B43. It's a beast of a rim.

And if you just want to fake it until you make it, or make your wheel glow in the dark, try the Rim Skins and let me know how they work.

I have been thinking about getting one for my front Aerospoke.

Well I already have a back wheel that replaced the original to put a stop to my constant spoke breaking, so I don't think I'll mess with that one at all. Seems like this is an unnecessary thing to do all together. I just wanted a Hawkeye yellow wheel for the front to go with the Iowa theme I am trying to build up, but if it's gonna ruin the bike or cause problems, it's absolutely not worth it.

I'm sure there is a sticker kit out there somewhere that will add color to the rim.  If you want to do this yourself you can buy yellow (or any other primary color) vinyl sticker background from American Science & Surplus @ 5316 North Milwaukee Avenue for just a couple bucks and stick it on yourself.  The stuff is like $2-3/yard or so on the roll.  It's at the back glass counter in a big rack. 

If you have rim brakes make sure not to put it on the braking surface -otherwise if it is fixie or no front brakes then don't worry about it.    Clean the rim with some denatured alcohol first so the sticker stays put and doesn't peel.  You can cut it in a long "E" shape and put it in between the spokes.

Or you could just spray-paint the rim too with florescent spray paint.  Get some small soda straws and slice them and put them over the spokes with a bit of masking tape and remove the wheel.  Clean before with denatured alcohol and it would be fine.   It might not be "perfect" but it would be pretty cool if you did a nice job of taping off the nipples and using the soda straws to keep the paint off the spokes.  

or you could commission me to build you some bitchin' Velocity Deep V wheels for about $600.  ;^D


@James . . . I'm trying to build up a new bike, stop giving people cheap alternatives!



I can't help the fact that I'm such a  tool when it comes to stickers.   God only knows how I avoided becoming a Brony.   I sometimes often have the aesthetic tastes of an 11-year old girl. 

SlyRed said:

or you could commission me to build you some bitchin' Velocity Deep V wheels for about $600.  ;^D


@James . . . I'm trying to build up a new bike, stop giving people cheap alternatives!



James and everyone. See my above post. There is a sticker system called The Rim Skins.

Also. As much as I love supporting local work. When it comes to buying Rims the only solution is online. Everyone in Chicago charges FAR TOO MUCH.


This is exactly what the OP was asking about.  Reading comprehension on this forum has really become a problem.  I'm pretty sure he didn't come here to ask about his spoke problems.

Those Rim Skins look pretty darn cool -and a custom-made ready solution to the OP's need.  I'll have to bookmark that link for future reference.   But I bet anyone with a bit of self-confidence and a stock of standard vinyl backing could do the same as a DIY project for a lot less money. 

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:

James and everyone. See my above post. There is a sticker system called The Rim Skins.

Also. As much as I love supporting local work. When it comes to buying Rims the only solution is online. Everyone in Chicago charges FAR TOO MUCH.


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