You know those cool colored bike rims? Where can I find those? Can you alter your current rims to make them look like those colorful rims?

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what, you dont know??

(hipster joke)

Any bike shop should be able to order a variety of colorful rims for you.  Be aware that the quality ones are quite expensive and the cheaper ones can be (there are some OK ones) a headache and have tire fit and tube issues.

You cannot easily switch out just the rim; you would either need to purchase a wheel complete or get a rim and spokes and build/have it built to your existing hub.

I would prefer to keep and adapt my current rims. The back rim especially, since I specifically got it to solve my chronic spoke destruction issues. If it's not possible or practical, then it's really not necessary at all.

Haha! Well I supposed that's one crazay way

The signature model is a track wheel called the Velocity Deep V. It can cost a pretty penny. The less expensive, and less well made, alternative is the Origin8 Track Attak. I have never seen one of these wheels with anything other than a freewheel or fixed gear setup. I suppose it could be possible to find one made for cassettes but I don't know for sure.


The sexier brother to the Velocity Deep V is the B43. It's a beast of a rim.

And if you just want to fake it until you make it, or make your wheel glow in the dark, try the Rim Skins and let me know how they work.

I have been thinking about getting one for my front Aerospoke.

uh, if you plan to use rim brakes.

Cameron Puetz said:

Be careful with any of the DIY options not to cover the braking surface.

What do you mean by adapt your current rims?  The rim is the part that you would be changing; don't understand the specifics google the parts of a bicycle wheel.

If you are having chronic spoke issues you either need a new wheel or to have your current wheel rebuilt.

Matthew Talbert said:

I would prefer to keep and adapt my current rims. The back rim especially, since I specifically got it to solve my chronic spoke destruction issues. If it's not possible or practical, then it's really not necessary at all.

What color are you looking for?  I have a set of Celeste color in really good shape for sale.  Includes hubs.

I roll my own chronic spokes with a Phil chronic-roller. 

No problems!

Don't worry, be happy...

The rimskin link that Thunderball posted seemed like it was something you put on your rims.

notoriousDUG said:

What do you mean by adapt your current rims?  The rim is the part that you would be changing; don't understand the specifics google the parts of a bicycle wheel.

If you are having chronic spoke issues you either need a new wheel or to have your current wheel rebuilt.

Matthew Talbert said:

I would prefer to keep and adapt my current rims. The back rim especially, since I specifically got it to solve my chronic spoke destruction issues. If it's not possible or practical, then it's really not necessary at all.

Putting something on your rim is not going to solve an issue with breaking spokes; only a new wheel or proper repair of the one you have is going to fix that.

Matthew Talbert said:

The rimskin link that Thunderball posted seemed like it was something you put on your rims.

notoriousDUG said:

What do you mean by adapt your current rims?  The rim is the part that you would be changing; don't understand the specifics google the parts of a bicycle wheel.

If you are having chronic spoke issues you either need a new wheel or to have your current wheel rebuilt.

Matthew Talbert said:

I would prefer to keep and adapt my current rims. The back rim especially, since I specifically got it to solve my chronic spoke destruction issues. If it's not possible or practical, then it's really not necessary at all.


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