This time last year, I had an old, but recently tuned up bike, and a few fifteen mile weekend rides under my belt.


Now, I spent an inordinate percentage of my waking life thinking about bicycling, or riding a bike.  I commuted to work this winter, with just about ten weather days off.  I see today’s sun, and can’t wait to finish my work, so that I can possibly get a two hour ride in this evening.  I wonder if I can attend the Bike Swap tomorrow, and get a big weekend ride in.  If I forgo the bike ride for the swap, will the weather allow me to do a large ride on Sunday, when the sun rises earlier.  I wonder if the Cook County Forest Preserve has plowed the Salt Creek trail.  I wonder if NotoriousDUG is as notorious as his name suggests, and if he will be at the new bike shop if I went by there at some random time, and whether the new shop will allow him to host his bike repair classes closer to my house.  I think about when the first day that I could do another S24O camping trip to Channahon might be, and if anyone wants to go with me.  I debate whether or not I want to buy a Long Haul Trucker as a speedier upgrade for my Schwinn Suburban.  I consider whether the inexpensive panniers currently on Sport.Woot are a good buy or not.  I write posts for the Chainlink instead of getting my work done, so I can take off on a bike ride…

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Yes it was, Lisa. Did not get a big ride in, as it was raining this morning, and 35 degree rain is one of those things I don't do. But I sold a spare bike, and got to meet some nice people!

Tim, I thought you were a true junkie.  You let 35 degree rain bother you?  Rain pants, a rain jacket, a baseball cap under your helmet, and you are good to go.  As I rode to my volunteer shift at 6:00 this morning, there was a bit of icy stuff spitting at me--considered it to be free facial for the day.  On the other hand, I don't do snow.  So I guess I should just be quiet. ;-)

Two weeks ago, I purposefully waited for the 35 degree rain to switch over to snow, because I don't do cold rain. I suppose I had a mile it two of riding to and from the train station with the bike I sold...
The sun doesn't rise earlier in spring forward. As a matter of fact it rises and sets on its own schedule regardles of the time the government says. If the sun rises at 6am and sets at 6pm standard time then advancing the time one hour would shift sunrise to 7 am and sunset to 7 pm. It doesn't make a day longer nor does it create a longer period of daylight.

It gets more impressive when you add my stable into that equation:

1 touring/commuter

1 road bike

1 mountain bike

1 mixte 

our garage is in need of some organization...

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

Since moving to a place with more storage my problem has grown. I'm up to:


1 Fixie

1 Touring

2 Tandem

1 Folding

1 Mountian

1 Frame waiting to become a commuter

Amen, brother.

Dave Grossman said:

There are far worse addictions!

"I think about when the first day that I could do another S24O camping trip to Channahon might be, and if anyone wants to go with me. "

A trip to Channahon via Centennial Trail / I& M Canal Trail is on my to do list for this year. When would you be thinking of going? What do you mean by S240?

Why am I reading this thread instead of working on my kitchen?

My fleet:
1984 Trek 620
A Univega tandem for riding with my daughter
Several cheap mtb's for commuting to el stations or for taking on camping trips with the family

I need:
A decent MTB
My 78 Panasonic back from the guy I sold it to last year. Dude, if you're out there, I made a mistake. I thought I was ready to let it go but I wasn't.
Vince, S24O means (S)ub (24)hour (O)vernight. Go to the Chainlink July events and register for GITy Up. This is an easy S24O.

My wife and I were just talking about riding the I and M canal today!  We want to try to ride to Ottawa and back.  Sounds like a great trip.

Vince Zaworski said:

"I think about when the first day that I could do another S24O camping trip to Channahon might be, and if anyone wants to go with me. "

A trip to Channahon via Centennial Trail / I& M Canal Trail is on my to do list for this year. When would you be thinking of going? What do you mean by S240?

Why am I reading this thread instead of working on my kitchen?

My fleet:
1984 Trek 620
A Univega tandem for riding with my daughter
Several cheap mtb's for commuting to el stations or for taking on camping trips with the family

I need:
A decent MTB
My 78 Panasonic back from the guy I sold it to last year. Dude, if you're out there, I made a mistake. I thought I was ready to let it go but I wasn't.
Vince, thinking about the second weekend in April. Although I might make it a weekend. Probably take a half day off on Friday and leave the near west burbs in early afternoon. Sun is rising about 1.7 minutes earlier every morning and setting about 1.2 minutes later every day.
Douglas Iverson said:

The sun doesn't rise earlier in spring forward. As a matter of fact it rises and sets on its own schedule regardles of the time the government says. If the sun rises at 6am and sets at 6pm standard time then advancing the time one hour would shift sunrise to 7 am and sunset to 7 pm. It doesn't make a day longer nor does it create a longer period of daylight.
Yes it is, Mike and it would do so regardless of the time on a clock. If you noticed sunset came later every day after the winter solstice even before the time change. Imagine if I could rapidly advance and retard the time on a clock and watch the sun move back and fourth accross the sky. This would make time travel possible and who would be in control of such a phenomenon? Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees off axis which means when the northern hehisphere is tilted toward the sun the southern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and at the equinox, when the suns position along the
equator intersects with the ecliptic both the northern and southern hemispheres are at equal distance and day and night for that one day is equal at 12 hours each. This is why the sun is higher in the sky in summer than it is in winter thus increasing the arch and extending the length of daylight. Go to Google and type in "what makes the seasons?" Also investigate sunrise, sunset tables and notice one hour difference on the day of the time change. The vast majority of people are confused by this because they never tried to learn why.


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