yikes is right. it looks difficult.


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looks like fun but I wonder how it handles pot holes!
Expensive, €3900 = ~$5800, 10K = 6.2mile range, 20kph = 12mph.
I do like the USS though.
I'd like this if it weren't electric!
The design looks fun but spending that much on a lazy mobile is just plain silly. You could buy a fleet of bikes for that price. Maybe it's just me but the music in the video made me want to punch holes in my speakers, lol.

Anyone else notice an influx of Segways in the city lately? I saw two people riding around Uptown the other day which struck me as a very stupid thing to do on so many levels. I also saw two people last week in Wrigleyville cruzin down the sidewalk. Maybe the same people but i'm not sure since they were going so fast, oh wait, I was the one going fast :)

People are silly!
potholes, curbs, wet leaves, and where do I store the gallon of milk my wife wants me to bring home?

jen said:
looks like fun but I wonder how it handles pot holes!
i just died when i saw this video. that man looks like a total moron on that thing. my cackling brought my roommates running and when they saw we cried we were laughing so hard. ridiculous!
That is not a bike,anything powered by
a motor is a machine.

I accept the design concept,because
it was fueled by someone with an elaborate
imagination and forward thinking.However,
does it capture and maintain the acutal structure
and true existence of a bike?

Form and function are imperative when it comes
to a bike.....and this one fails at both.

Want a bike that you can bag up and take into buildings? Get a folding bike!

And they put no gas as one of the advantages, but what happens if you forget to make sure the "bike" has a good charge in its battery?

Answer: Looks like you're walking!
It, in my opinion looks like a penny farthing for really really lazy carbon fiber weight weenies. I'd love to give it a try all the same though ;-)
That thing is a motorized chair.
I actually agree with you on this one Clark, I will stick to my bike. It is a novel design but I would be shocked and amazed if the Yike catches on in the mainstream. I bet this think would get you more looks in Chicago than if you wore your undies on the outside of your pants! The commercial is pretty funny too.
doesn't seem very maneuverable. the big arcing turns look fun but not realistic. we've all done the quick little zig zag to avoid something, I don't think that thing is capable.


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