23.4 after the Weather Be Damned ride. extrapolation for 2021: 8541!

Bob Kastigar you did the same thing as last year?

i'm open to someone else starting this thread, but the proper title isn't title case and isn't a question. :-)

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Marching out with a modest, but solid, 650.3 road miles on the month for a total of 972.7 road miles y-t-d. Trailing Curt(is)2020 by 174.3 total miles but far ahead in road miles (972.7 vs. 107 last year at this point.) NO Perimeter Ride so far this calendar year, as I find it hard to step away from care-giving for 6 hours. Priorities.

661.8 after Fourth Step Ride. extrapolation for 2021 up to 2236.6.

1657.4 miles cycled in 2021 after 451.4 miles (406.4 outdoor / 45.0 indoor) in April.
566 consecutive days cycled since 10/13/2019!

1673 outdoor miles ytd as of 4/30

3559 outdoor miles.

Utterly unrelated to cycling -- April was, in fact, the cruelest. The inevitable has come to pass.

Meanwhile, 386.3 miles on the month = 1,359 total miles y-t-d (all road), trailing Curt(is)2019 by 435 miles. Now is time to rage.

Fucking April. i don't think Curt(is)2019 is going to be ahead for long.

Er, trailing Curt(is)2020, that is. Trailing Curt(is)2019 by much, much more -- but Curt(is)2020 ended stronger. 

I’m so sorry to hear; even if we are only digitally acquainted, sending my sincerest condolences. 

1764.8 Miles to date.  (May/11/2021)

888.9 after Fifth Step and Tinley Woods - Old Plank Road Trail rides. extrapolation for 2021 down to 2148.7. :-(

2472 miles outdoor as of 5/31


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