The only day I didn't bring a tube with me I got a flat...Well it was already 9:00 and I wasn't that far from Performance so go in, buy a tube, and I would be on my merry way or so I thought...

We are all human, having worked in retail before I am well aware that store openings does not necessarily happen right on time...I can understand a 5, 10 even a 15 minute delay...Well long story short 50 minutes after "opening time" with the store doors still locked, I got tired of waiting outside with the employees and took my business elsewhere...What are these guys thinking?


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thats not very professional. Are you talking about the one on halsted?
Yuck. I do shop at Performance myself because there is one conveniently located on my way home, especially for things like tubes and other misc little stuff. But if I can help it I always go to other local shops because the service tends to be better and I try to support local businesses. Did they apologize profusely when they did open up? Any excuse given?
No I kinda ran out of patience after 50 minutes...I walked my bike down to Cycle Smithy, funny thing is I am in the market for a Freeride/All Mountain Rig and Performance has one of the models I was looking at...Certainly they are not going to get my business anymore...

Not to be devil's advocate, but unless this has happened to you or other people you know on mulitple occasions, it really could have been some crazy circumstances. Car accident, alarm not going off, family emergency....everyone makes mistakes...

but yes, if this is not a one time occurrence than that's horrible. Did the shop employees you were waiting with say anything?

That being said, I always take my maintenance needs to Johnny Sprockets. They can always do the work I need while I wait, where performance wants you to leave the bike over night or more....
I gotta defend Performance on this one...I've had great service and bought great stuff from the one on Halsted and when i bought my bike there it was ready the same day for pick-up after everything was put on.

I'm sure it's an unusual circumstance that they did not open on time...To give an example from one of the compaines i work for, the store didn't open cause the key carrying manager had car trouble, and lived in a different town. The store opened 2 hours late. Life happens.
I found the problem! Knowing some of the people who work at Performance, I figured there would be a good story behind the lateness. Such was not the case. I had a hunch that there was a more Occam solution and discovered that, according to the website, Performance changed their hours for winter starting 9/28; they now open at 10. The real problem, then, is whatever the door sign said.
I like Performance for accessories, but I had a bad experience buying a bike from them. The price was right on a mountain bike I thought would be comfortable for around town, but the build was crap. I wouldn't buy another bike from them, unless it was unassembled. (this was from their northbrook store)

Ali said:
I am in the market for a Freeride/All Mountain Rig and Performance has one of the models I was looking at...Certainly they are not going to get my business anymore... -Ali
I would say that this is a problem with more than 1 bike shop...

Not naming names to protect the guilty!

So word up to bike shop employees with the key - set your alarm early and get to work - people are depending on you!
The door said 10...It was 10:50 when I left, not to mention I was waiting there with employees all showing up to work...


evanK said:
I found the problem! Knowing some of the people who work at Performance, I figured there would be a good story behind the lateness. Such was not the case. I had a hunch that there was a more Occam solution and discovered that, according to the website, Performance changed their hours for winter starting 9/28; they now open at 10. The real problem, then, is whatever the door sign said.


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