My Shimano 600 rear hub/freewheel is acting up and I would like to replace it.  Bike was built by RRB Cycles in late 80s and it uses friction shifting.  It has a six sprocket freewheel on the back.  

Ideally I would like to replace it with Shimano 600 rear hub/wheel but if that is not available, I would be interested in anything else that would work with my configuration. 

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Anything six-speed which accepts a freewheel will do the trick.  Can you describe "acting up"?  Maybe the hub just needs to be repacked or the freewheel replaced. I don't think I have many spares, but I'll check to see what I have in the way of rear wheels when I get home.

Is it an RRB?  I have one which is a bit older than that.


Thanks Skip - I am sorry I should have been more specific...I repacked this hub over the weekend and on my commute this morning I have noticed that it's no longer making the clicking/ratcheting noise when not pedalling.  There is also a slight delay before pedals are engaged when first start pedalling.  

I never removed the freewheel when I was working on repacking the hub since bearings were easily accessible so I am not sure why all of the sudden freewheel is not making that clicking noise.  I did spray a lot of degreaser on the freewheel in order to clean it so I am not sure if that's related.  

I don't know how serviceable these hubs are or what I need in in terms of tools in order to work on it.  This bike is very similar to the one you have in your's Shimano 600 all around and Matrix wheels.  It does not have a decal on the downtube like yours has.  Instead it has a small round sticker on the seat tube with RRB Cycles label on it.  Steel is Champion 2.  I'll take some pictures in few minutes and will post them here. would not happen to be Skip that worked in the Data Center in Evanston?  I have a nametag with your exact name in my office.

Thanks for your help.

Damir said: would not happen to be Skip that worked in the Data Center in Evanston?  I have a nametag with your exact name in my office.

At Northwestern?  That would be me.  I still live in Evanston.

Freewheels I have.  You could bring your bike over to my place sometime.  I'd be happy to take a look at it and see if I have one that would work for you.

Yes at NU. This bike originally came from Dana.
I would not be able to stop by today (my kid has soccer after work) but I should be available tomorrow. I take this bike to work everyday. Let me know if tomorrow will work.

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Damir said: would not happen to be Skip that worked in the Data Center in Evanston?  I have a nametag with your exact name in my office.

At Northwestern?  That would be me.  I still live in Evanston.

Freewheels I have.  You could bring your bike over to my place sometime.  I'd be happy to take a look at it and see if I have one that would work for you.

Damir said:

I would not be able to stop by today (my kid has soccer after work) but I should be available tomorrow. I take this bike to work everyday. Let me know if tomorrow will work.
I'll probably be home a bit late Wednesday, probably after 6pm.  Shoot me an email (skip at and I'll reply with my phone # so we can coordinate more easily.


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