Help me out. My winter ride got stolen about two months ago. Looking to pick up an 80's steel mountain bike frameset with close to horizontal dropouts to set up for a winter ride. 18" to 19" frame. Ideal is a Schwinn Sierra or Ross Mt. Whitney.

Sick of trolling craigslist, and everything on ebay is comically overpriced. Anyone want to clear space in their garage?

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I've got a 17.5" early 00's Giant Rincon for sale if that isn't too small.  Looking to get $135 out of it.  Total refurb job -nice aggressive tires in excellent shape.   Very light for a steel bike.  Almost too pretty to use as a winter bike because it saw little use in its previous life before being torn down to the frame and built back up.  It hasn't been ridden since the rebuild earlier this summer.  It's pretty much like new.  

Ooops, nevermind -didn't see the part about horizontal dropouts until just now -never mind.

I've been thinking of replacing my Peugeot that's a little too big for me.  Not sure what size it is, but I'm 5'4 and I ride with the seat pushed almost down to the frame.  It's a City Express, I think from 86 (, horizontal dropouts, steel frame.  It's a tank compared to my road bike and was solid riding last winter.


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