Would you trade your car for a bike?

Not just any bike, a New Belgium, fully-loaded, hand-crafted, Fort Collins-built commuter bike. By agreeing to trade your polluting car for a new bike and committing to sparkle motion, human-powered transport, on stage at Tour de Fat, you become an inspiration to the congregation and beyond. Your vehicular cleansing is filmed, as are your car-free trials and triumphs over the following year, causing thousands to idolize your efforts and begin commuting by bike!

Plus, your old car will add to your good deed when it is auctioned off and the proceeds go to West Town Bikes, the leading provider of youth bicycle education in Chicago. To find out more visit http://www.newbelgium.com/trade

If you have been thinking about dumping your car, here's a chance to not only become car(e)free but get a fantastic bike to replace it and become a super star in the process!

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Can it be retroactive?
I loves the Tour de Fat. It is hands down my favorite summer festival in Chicago and that is saying a lot! I will probably miss it again this year. I'd shake my fist at my schedule, but it would not do any good. I sometimes violate my Drink Local directive to swill a New Belgium something or the other just because they are such a completely awesome brewery.


Do we know for sure that West Town Bikes is THE "leading provider of youth bicycle education in Chicago"? What do we mean by "leading"? If we mean blazing the trail, Uptown Bikes was doing it at least a decade before West Town existed. If we mean sheer numbers, well I have none, but I know that Blackstone educates tons of youth in the bikey way albeit in a far less fashionable part of town. Perhaps we should consider saying "A leading provider..."? I mean, even if West Town IS number one, it seems a bit creepy to use this sort of language which suggests that those who educate youth are somehow competing with one another. I'm almost sure that they are not.
Adriana said:
I like'em fat thank you thank you thank you.

How many "emergencies" do you have in a given week?

And in the immortal words of Morrisey, how soon is now?

Adriana said:
I need to be able to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible in an emergency... I mean, I don't think my car is hurting anyone if its parked... maybe if I lived in San Diego, who knows. Though I did picture myself picking up my girl on one of those newfangled passenger bikes...I'm sure my teenager would love that in front of all her friends :p 'Your crazy mom is here' I do want to get her into biking soon, though I fear her being in traffic...self-sacrifice is easy.

H3N3 said:
So why not take this opportunity to go car-free?

Adriana said:
No kindly, but I would like to know if you are able to order the 2.1s, also kindly... I like'em fat thank you thank you thank you. Please forgive me if I am overstepping my bounds here, I'm just very impulsive :o) I know I should have ordered them thru Mia, but I can't get down there today and I'm leaving tomorrow.

If it provides you any comfort, I barely touch my car.

You people.
i have a car i would happily trade in.
What's sparkle motion?
Sorry, I was merely thinking that "in an emergency" you could call a cab.

Oddly, quoting Morris was supposed to be an inspiration. Nevermind...

wish I

had a car to trade.... here is the bike from a few years ago
I challenge some on the fence to consider this
(I ditched my car in Jan 2009 and have not regretted it yet)

consider all the $$$ costs of owning a car :

city sticker, residential permits
parking meters
car washes
parking tickets (incl. those red light camera tickets (evil))
etc etc

then consider the intangibles :

worrying about it getting hit / vandalized
where did you park it ?
sitting in traffic on a nice day as bikes fly by you
etc etc

and (IMHO) between :

owning a bike(s)
a Chicago Plus CTA Card
iGo / car rental
METRA / AMTRAK / megabus, etc.
cabs (last resort)

to me it has been a no brainer. being car-free has been both very liberating and
less stressful.

finally - it makes it so much easier for me to justify almost any bike-related purchase
when I see my friends spending so much $$$ on car-related things that never ever
hit my budget.

just my $.02

Adriana said:
I find this song far more contextually inspiring...not to say that How soon is now? lacks inspiration. Just an odd choice for the topic...the title perhaps, but still an odd choice.

T.C. O'Rourke said:
Sorry, I was merely thinking that "in an emergency" you could call a cab.

Oddly, quoting Morris was supposed to be an inspiration. Nevermind...

I don't hate anyone (well, not quite).

I cannot fault any cyclist or chainlinker for owning / driving a car. As long as they spend time here;
I love 'em all.

there are times when cars are absolutely needed.


Adriana said:
All valid points! Yay to you and all those who have gone or will go carless. Though I am weary of putting anything or anyone on a pedestal... Too many are looking to be idolized, the most charitable deed is done anonymously while most are fumbling for credit. My point is that every little bit helps :o) It's not about excuses. I am very aware of all my options. I do consider all these things Dan. I know it is; like most luxuries, about convenience. We all excel and fall short in various areas in our life. Don't hate me, I am human and I need to be loved, just like everybody else does. ok just had to throw that in cause I'm a big dork haha.

dan brown said:
I challenge some on the fence to consider this
(I ditched my car in Jan 2009 and have not regretted it yet)

consider all the $$$ costs of owning a car :

city sticker, residential permits
parking meters
car washes
parking tickets (incl. those red light camera tickets (evil))
etc etc

then consider the intangibles :

worrying about it getting hit / vandalized
where did you park it ?
sitting in traffic on a nice day as bikes fly by you
etc etc

and (IMHO) between :

owning a bike(s)
a Chicago Plus CTA Card
iGo / car rental
METRA / AMTRAK / megabus, etc.
cabs (last resort)

to me it has been a no brainer. being car-free has been both very liberating and
less stressful.

finally - it makes it so much easier for me to justify almost any bike-related purchase
when I see my friends spending so much $$$ on car-related things that never ever
hit my budget.

just my $.02

Adriana said:
I find this song far more contextually inspiring...not to say that How soon is now? lacks inspiration. Just an odd choice for the topic...the title perhaps, but still an odd choice.

T.C. O'Rourke said:
Sorry, I was merely thinking that "in an emergency" you could call a cab.

Oddly, quoting Morris was supposed to be an inspiration. Nevermind...

Driving in your car, Oh, never never drop me home....
Anyway, whoever wants to win a marin Kentfield should be heading down to the Bike Away From Work party at the ING DIRECT Cafe at 21 E Chestnut, enter to win. Also, when you enter the cafe, you might automatically win something better than a Fat Tire. How about a cold Goose Island 312. I just counted 120 in the fridge. And it doesn't get tucked in very far. Bike and drink locally in the Gold Coast tonite!

Last Smiths joke, anyone want to parse whether the leather is worn on the passenger seat?

dan brown said:
I don't hate anyone (well, not quite).

I cannot fault any cyclist or chainlinker for owning / driving a car. As long as they spend time here;
I love 'em all.

there are times when cars are absolutely needed.


Adriana said:
All valid points! Yay to you and all those who have gone or will go carless. Though I am weary of putting anything or anyone on a pedestal... Too many are looking to be idolized, the most charitable deed is done anonymously while most are fumbling for credit. My point is that every little bit helps :o) It's not about excuses. I am very aware of all my options. I do consider all these things Dan. I know it is; like most luxuries, about convenience. We all excel and fall short in various areas in our life. Don't hate me, I am human and I need to be loved, just like everybody else does. ok just had to throw that in cause I'm a big dork haha.

dan brown said:
I challenge some on the fence to consider this
(I ditched my car in Jan 2009 and have not regretted it yet)

consider all the $$$ costs of owning a car :

city sticker, residential permits
parking meters
car washes
parking tickets (incl. those red light camera tickets (evil))
etc etc

then consider the intangibles :

worrying about it getting hit / vandalized
where did you park it ?
sitting in traffic on a nice day as bikes fly by you
etc etc

and (IMHO) between :

owning a bike(s)
a Chicago Plus CTA Card
iGo / car rental
METRA / AMTRAK / megabus, etc.
cabs (last resort)

to me it has been a no brainer. being car-free has been both very liberating and
less stressful.

finally - it makes it so much easier for me to justify almost any bike-related purchase
when I see my friends spending so much $$$ on car-related things that never ever
hit my budget.

just my $.02

Adriana said:
I find this song far more contextually inspiring...not to say that How soon is now? lacks inspiration. Just an odd choice for the topic...the title perhaps, but still an odd choice.

T.C. O'Rourke said:
Sorry, I was merely thinking that "in an emergency" you could call a cab.

Oddly, quoting Morris was supposed to be an inspiration. Nevermind...


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