Would anyone be willing to lend a bike for (~4 months) the summer/sell cheaply??

Hey Everyone -


So maybe this is a call to the Gods/Goddesses/Everything Holy, but... Would anyone be willing to lend my friend a bike for the summer and/or sell a semi-decent bike cheaply? 


Here's the low down...  My friend and I did the Chicago Triathlon last year with a training group/charity and a bunch of us are going for the Steelhead 70.3 Half Ironman this year.  He's very on the fence about doing this race, mainly based on the cost of the expensive sport of triathlon.  His bike was 'okay' for the Chicago Tri last year (he paid very little for it on Criagslist), but for the half ironman, it's not going to cut it.  So I'm throwing it out there to see if anyone has a bike lying around that they would be willing to lend out for ~4 months this year to him or possibly 'rent' it for that time or even sell it, pending on price.  I would say he's 5'10" or so, and preferably not a mountain bike at the very least.  Just something that's going to get him through months of training and 56 miles of riding during the race.


He's not on Chainlink and I didn't even tell him I was trying this crazy idea...  So please message me/respond and we'll see what sort of responses I get.


Thank you!!


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i have a decent mid 90's Basso with Shimano 900 drivetrain (the old ultegra).


it has a nice but older mavic ellipse on the front that i would kinda like to keep, but could part with it. has old look clips. sti levers. aero bars too


and i might be willing to buy it back at the end of the summer.  im just in a financial pickle right now

$400 with the mavic, $300 without.


im 5'11 and fit me real nice


Thats a nice Basso
That is a nice Basso. Now we're all going to want one.
its for sale regardless

Moc Artsy said:
That is a nice Basso. Now we're all going to want one.
How about without the Mavic and also without the aero bars?
i was really just throwing the aero bars in

Moc Artsy said:
How about without the Mavic and also without the aero bars?
I'd give you an extra $5 if you take them off.

Moc Artsy said:
I'd give you an extra $5 if you take them off.
So, Mr. Ig, is the frame a standard size or is it at all customized? I know my brother's Basso was made to measure at least in some features. Yours looks to be about a 58 or even 59 from the photo. We can take the discussion off this thread if you like. I am seriously interested.

i for some reason remember it being a 61, which should be way to big for me but its not.  im 5'11" and this fits very nicely geometrically speaking.  im also a bit leggy so maybe that has something to do with it. but i dont feel overstretched either.


and obviously...when i wrote shimano 900 i meant 600.


feel free to email me:

iggy1time at g-mail

Guess I get to play Goldilocks to Iggi's Papa Bear and Howard's Momma Grizzly. I'm looking for a 56, 57 or 58 and can't go taller or shorter than that. Sad, because the Basso is otherwise perfect. And, Howard, if I could afford that lovely Waterford and if it grew a couple centimeters. . .


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