The Chainlink

Am I the only one who feels this way?

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Im going to have to say that the worst band out there has to be NICKLEBACK. There is something about that band that just pisses me off the fucking suck.
Amen brother!

Aaron Mooney said:
Im going to have to say that the worst band out there has to be NICKLEBACK. There is something about that band that just pisses me off the fucking suck.

Chinese Food and Bicycles, Shanghai from Intrepid Berkeley Explorer on Vimeo.

Fans of the Beach Boys don't wear helmets! Wa wa ooooo
yeah...but helmets protect you from snowballs !

Aaron Bussey said:

Chinese Food and Bicycles, Shanghai from Intrepid Berkeley Explorer on Vimeo.

Fans of the Beach Boys don't wear helmets! Wa wa ooooo
Dan, ya'll can't hit shit anyways - haha
Snowballs keep falling on my head...

I love that song!

LarryN said:
Snowballs keep falling on my head...
Larry N! Nice One!

LarryN said:
Snowballs keep falling on my head...

Dude, I love Queen
Behold the majesty:

P.S. Queen rules.
Worst song ever using a bicycle.
I agree Matt - indeed!

Zappa [shudder]


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