Up until yesterday, my lock-up/rain bike (Nishiki Colorado) had the worst saddle in the city. (Kinda like the movie Trainspotting where you're taken to the 'worst toilet in Scotland.)

It was one of those 90s Serfas gel seats that had deteriorated into dreadful state of being, all bubbly and smelly and moldy from being locked up outside. It was, simply gross, like someplace a transient would go to the bathroom. Comfy though.

When I got back to the Logan Square el station after work last night, I was surprised to see said saddle and seatpost missing from the Nishiki.

Now, I'm not really complaining, just laughing to myself and wondering who would swipe such a disgusting saddle with all the nice saddles out there. Any theories?

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are bums getting high on seat gel now?
Ha! Sorry to hear. Luckily you didn't lose a nice saddle! It's annoying when thieves steal stuff that's not worth anything too.
I don't think bike theft has much to do with the value of the parts, I think it's mostly to mess with a stranger...
maybe they saw how horrible it was and thought they were doing you a favor??
2 theories -
1 - Someone else has a good saddle but is afraid of it being stolen, doesn't want to use it, and stole your saddle to put on his bike knowing it will never (again) be stolen.

2 - Thief is confident you will replace the saddle and lock your bike in the same place, providing him with a brand new saddle Monday. (Same idea as stealing a car battery knowing that the car will be parked there tomorrow with a new battery.)

you can always check Craigslist for a "bubbly, moldy, 90s Serfas saddle".
I think it was some perv that has a fetish for funky saddles...
It's been happening all over North America and parts of Europe, as well. Other bloggers indicate that it may be the work of the Bureau of Undercover Masked Men for Erogenous Rectal Stimulation (BUMMERS) as they usually leave the seat post. It could also be another clandestine group that aims to bring about a greater consciousness of the early detection of colon cancer. They leave the seat post as well. (no acronym yet-they are looking for suggestions) If your seat post was missing, it reverts to the mystery you have already described.
It's not the seat. It's the seatpost. They'll chuck the seat and put something they like on instead.


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