This must be just about the world's most insecure bike rack. Just lob it in the back of the pickup truck along with the bike(s). Then the bad guys can deal with those pesky locks in the privacy of their own junkyard.

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One of the worst one's I've seen is in Arlington Heights in front of the library.  The rack only provides a slot to lock the front wheel and nothing else.

None of you are helping that racks self image by talking about it like this...

 My bike & locks probably weigh more than that thing. Free-standing = free stealing!

(And always remember to check the nuts on the mounting bolts before locking up to any rack or post.)



That's not a bike rack -t's a bike dispenser


notoriousDUG said:

None of you are helping that racks self image by talking about it like this...

LOL @ making fun of the poor bike rack.  Bike racks are people too!  (or...maybe not...)

Granny Weatherwax said that evil starts when people get treated like things -and things get treated instead like people.  But the only folks who will get that reference are Terry Pratchett/Discworld fans.

The Jewel just south of Addison on Broadway. Awful, very insecure.


notoriousDUG said:

None of you are helping that racks self image by talking about it like this...

I'd say Performance Bikes on Halsted has the worst racks in the city.

LOL...I was just going to say this. I have fenders and the angle is too great to properly park my bike. goofy racks indeed. :)

Kelvin Mulcky said:

I'd say Performance Bikes on Halsted has the worst racks in the city.

Performance on Halsted has the worst rack I have ever seen. I know the one at CVS on 31st and Halsted, I always lock to the iron fence when there. The Burger King on North just west of California is the same way. The one at P-mart however is designed to be assembled/disassembled with out tools. Yes, like Tinker Toys, or even worse, as it is held together with wing nuts. It was installed by P-mart (corporate) as a temporary solution several years ago. Unlike the other locations sited, this is a bike store, so there is no excuse for this. And yes fenders are a no go except on the ends of the racks. Perhaps if pieces of their rack started disappearing they might improve it. Just saying.

i was expecting a comical double entendre anecdote.


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