The Chainlink

It's the three feet law, song (passing distance, that is).

I said, "Won't you give me three feet,
Gimme three feet mister,
Gimme three feet from your door?

Gimme three feet
Gimme three feet mister,
And you'll never hear me ($#@%*$#@$!!) no more."

And, there's the Three Finger Salute, that can be offered to passing vehicles to remind them about the three foot passing rule.

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nice one.

Lynyrd Skynyrd rocks btw.
'Three feet' is a nice law and such, but it is not reality. I don't even think that many people/drivers are aware of it. That's why I spend as much time as possible in the ally or on side streets and every opportunity I give the cars right of way. They scare me and I don't mess with them.
Lately, mostly on Lincoln Ave., I have noticed more drivers giving me more room. So, maybe some people are finally aware of the law. I will say, however, I like the "cars yield to bikers on shared lane" signs, but why the hell are there no signs saying cars must give bikers three feet of room when passing. No wonder people don't know about this relatively new law. Although, it is pretty common sense to give whoever you are passing plenty of room.


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