Are you not quite sure what that clanking is, or why your brakes don't work, but nervous about bringing your bike into the bike shop? Would you rather learn to do your own repairs so you don't have to shell out the money for bike shop repairs? Are you just tired of coming to Tuesday night open shops and waiting for a workstand?

You can learn how to take care of your bike in a women-friendly space where you can learn from other women who've learned to take bike repair into their own hands. Bring a bike, friends, good tunes, or bring the knowledge if you have it already - the more the merrier!

All skill levels and interests are welcome. Beverages and snacks are encouraged. Donations are appreciated. (Sorry, no men allowed.)

First and third Wednesdays, every month.
7-10pm, at West Town Bikes (2418 W. North Ave.)
Enter thru the alley.

Next one: This Wednesday, 1/7 from 7-10pm

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I need to stop by here. I want to learn how to take my bike apart for shipping and put it back together myself. I don't know if I can make it this week but it's definitely on my to-do list.
We can definitely do that!
Just want to remind that this is still happening all winter. Women's Night is tonight, 7-10.
If you can't make it tonight, next one will be February 4.
Bumpin this up as a reminder that there's...

Women's Night at West Town Bikes!

Tomorrow night and every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 7-10 PM. Bring your bike project, from brake adjustments to squeaky hubs, and your willingness to learn. Women instructors are on hand to assist as you use the tools and ask questions. Beverages and snacks are encouraged. Donations are appreciated!

This Open Shop is for the women and trans-gendered bike-lovers ONLY!

Find out more at
Tonight is a springy bike party at Women's and Trans night at WTB.
Shine up your ride, and have a glass of wine with fellow cyclistas!



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