7-10 inches are expected by the end of the day, with snow falling 1-2 inches per hour at times.

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I have already decided that instead of driving 15 miles to work and 15 back (which would probably take forever,) I'm going to drive 5 miles to the Metra and take that instead. Sadly, I was really, really hoping to ride as much as possible this week. At least I got some miles in today!

heading to the store for some suplies now. Ice cream and beer! Now I am prepared for any storm

Ummmm, ice cream.... Forgot that one.

Goan have to use the CTA some tomorrow as there's just to many dogs to be walked for me to bike to each and every one with that much snow. Oh we'll spring will be here soon.

I am so done with snow!  The good news is that it is supposed to be in the 40s after Wednesday.  It will be sloppy, but it will be melting.

Don't forget the brown line is only running to merchandise mart this week.

Christopher C. 10.0+ mi said:
Ummmm, ice cream.... Forgot that one.

Goan have to use the CTA some tomorrow as there's just to many dogs to be walked for me to bike to each and every one with that much snow. Oh we'll spring will be here soon.
Thanks for the heads up!

As long as the brown is running both directions for Mart ill be A-OK as I've got no business going any farther south than Belmont on the Bown line, everything else is off the red.

Again thanks as I rarely use the train during the week


Julie Hochstadter said:
Don't forget the brown line is only running to merchandise mart this week.

Christopher C. 10.0+ mi said:
Ummmm, ice cream.... Forgot that one.

Goan have to use the CTA some tomorrow as there's just to many dogs to be walked for me to bike to each and every one with that much snow. Oh we'll spring will be here soon.
The wind is supposed to be coming from the north east tomorrow.

Jennifer on the lake said:

There are flakes on the lakefront. What direction is this bugger supposed to come from?

The snow isn't supposed to start until late tonight / early tomorrow morning.

Nada, zip, nuttin' so far.  I am so tempted to ride my bike but "they" are absolutely promising 4 to 8 inches by this afternoon.  And looking at the weather map, it looks like it will arrive.

6:20 AM: I'm seeing the first flurries outside.  Storm's leading edge hitting Chicago & Madison, WI.  Trailing edge just leaving Minneapolis & Des Moines.

Sounds like a smart decision

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Nada, zip, nuttin' so far.  I am so tempted to ride my bike but "they" are absolutely promising 4 to 8 inches by this afternoon.  And looking at the weather map, it looks like it will arrive.

First time this winter I am not biking due to weather. It had better snow a foot.


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