I wanted to bump this onto the forum to keep it on people's calendars


More details are listed on the CL Calendar!

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I'm going!  R u?

Hope it goes well, West Town friends...sounds like a total blast! Bummed that a lot of us will be caught up preparing for the Swap, but we'll see you Saturday and hopefully will hear how awesome it was!



All of us at Active Trans

C'mon now,


we're leading a bike ride, throwing a party, will be at the swap both vending and lending technical support, and Ciclo will be open for sales and service as well as WTB hosting Open Shop all over the course of 24hrs. Surely Active Trans will send a representative to the Meltdown!?! Don't tell me the big advocates in Chi-town can't work and play as hard as little ol' West Town...




Thanks for the well wishes!

Let me check our official advocacy policy and see if we can pick up this gauntlet you dropped. I'll have to run it by our team of lawyers to ensure proper work/life balance, etc. Sub clause three...


Please expect an official response from one of our representatives regarding your invitation in the next 24-hours.



Ethan Spotts, Official Derailer (get it!), Active Trans

Rapid Transit Cycleshop will be in attendance!


Sounds like a really great time bro!



hee hee... Nice Alex.


Chainlink is open 24 hours a day, 7 day a week:))


Bikefreeek said:

C'mon now,


we're leading a bike ride, throwing a party, will be at the swap both vending and lending technical support, and Ciclo will be open for sales and service as well as WTB hosting Open Shop all over the course of 24hrs. Surely Active Trans will send a representative to the Meltdown!?! Don't tell me the big advocates in Chi-town can't work and play as hard as little ol' West Town...




Thanks for the well wishes!

perhaps I can talk the most of the Racketeers into coming by after dress rehearsal/set up at the bike swap... I mean it is for some great people who have helped us along our journey

 and it is one of the racketeers birthdays by all means..... then at midnight its another racketeers birthday... Wow that is a lot celebration going on this weekend! Yay!

I'm coming to this tonight. Something else coming up means I'm going to miss most, if not all, of the swap. I got to be my bike on sometime.

After many lengthy negotiations, we got permission to PARTY! Active Trans will have a couple of official reps rocking the Meltdown tonight...we'll send them with some goodies for the raffle (event comps, T-shirts, etc.).


Have a great Meltdown tonight!



Ethan and the Active Trans gang

Let me extend official thanks for Active Trans support of WTB's Winter Meltdown. I would have consulted our legal team on this, but alas, when you're the little guy like us and all you can afford is pro-bono work the turn around time is more like 24 weeks as compared to 24 hours.


I look forward to seeing your reps there and having a round on me.


See you at the Swap! 


By "legal rep" you mean me with with a "Bike Advocacy Law for Dummies" book, right??


Ethan, with Active Trans


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