
This will be my second year commuting to work during the winter and there are so many bike lanes that have not been salted or cleared of snow - What can we do as a community to get bike lanes safe for winter bikers?  (Last year I dislocated my thumb while biking over a sheet of ice in the bike lane on Milwaukee and Ogden right in front of The Silver Palm and I would like to prevent this from happening to) 

Last request, is there any action to have Uber and Lyft drivers to add the 'look for cyclist' decals inside the passenger doors just as taxi drivers do? 

I think that's all for now.

Thank you for reading!


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Last request, is there any action to have Uber and Lyft drivers to add the 'look for cyclist' decals inside the passenger doors just as taxi drivers do? 

Maybe also to refresh the ones that are in taxi cabs that have faded out to just outlines of an old stickers.


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