I've had this bike for a while and the frame has always been too small for me. I'm 5'9". I think it's a size 18, maybe 17. It's in reasonable shape. Adjustable stem. Oury Grips. Fenders (With stickers!). Knobby tires and mountain rims (26"). It's great in the snow.
It's a 7 speed. There is a triple ring on the front, but it doesn't have a front de-railure. I wrapped good chunk of the frame with grip tape. Leans against things great. :)
Asking $125. I haven't sold a bike in a long time, so I don't know the going rates. If that's too high for you, give me an offer, you'll probably get it. :)
That's a great deal. I hope whoever buys it will intend to use it and not just be buying it because the price is so attractive. FYI if you're 5'9 and it's too small for you, it may be smaller than 17". My guess based on the photo is 16.5" or maybe 16."
Yea. I'll PM you.
Edit: We have to be friends. :) You can email me at emperorcezar@gmail.com and we can set something up.
Gabe said:
so i don't know sizes but howard you know me. would it fit me? i need a back-up winter bike and would pounce if it fits me :-) adam can i check it out?
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