Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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Took a little hunting, but I found them on Cabela's web site for $24.99!  They seem to be made for ATVs, and I found them by searching "Handle bar mitt".  They are backordered! but only about two weeks, it seems.  The company that makes "Moose Mitts" sells them for about $80.  Of course, they are hand made to order ;-)  Thanks, Kevin.
Kevin C said:

Reply by Kevin C on September 13, 2010 at 7:21amDelete

Some people call them pogies, some call them moose mitts, or overmitts, but they are the solution for cold hands. I got a relatively cheap pair from Cabela's last year and loved them. Wear a thin glove on even the coldest days, stick your hands into the overmitts and you'll be toasty warm with no loss of dexterity and no bulkiness. One legitimate complaint I've heard is that you'll end up signaling less because frequent slipping hands in and out of the pogies is not convenient. I found that to be true.

And here's a discussion from last October.

That is why Drei-Mausenhupe-Donnerstag (Three Mouse Honk Thursday) was instituted about two years ago. You can do that with your mittens on.

Lisa Curcio said:

The bell is out.  I have all I can do to get to the brakes with the mittens or gloves.  But a royal wave is certainly possible ;-)

We've had many recent winters with long stretches of little or no snow, and bone dry streets.

I don't always mean everything I say to be taken literally, but this time I did...

Just Will said:

...and with more snow on the ground

h' said:

I thought it was pleasant today.  Was braced for much worse when I saw the temp listed at 22 degrees.  For anyone going into their first bike winter-- the majority of winter cycling is not much different than today.

Yes, in my experience (finally counted—this is my 6th winter bike commuting), the streets are usually just fine. And during snow and slush events, they are far less treacherous than the sidewalks. 

Also, thank you Kevin and Lisa for the bar mitt info! I've got that hand-freeze problem myself, and while it hasn't stopped me yet it would be lovely to solve.

It was beautiful along the lake front this morning. Crisp and invigorating. The evening commute was just as nice but with a nearly full moon over the lake. Thanks for the encouragement.

h' said:

I thought it was pleasant today.  Was braced for much worse when I saw the temp listed at 22 degrees.  For anyone going into their first bike winter-- the majority of winter cycling is not much different than today.

My toes were cold this morning. It's probably the holes in the front of my Addidas.

Still going strong.  The Mrs. took this pic when I got home tonight right before my goggles completely fogged up.

Mask and goggles already?? I know a lot of the newbs are eager to use their new gear, but wait til the it gets at least in the high 20s-lo 30s for the mask, and teens or sleet/snow for the goggles! You'll build your tolerance that way, and it's not just me trying to be macho:) You'll know when that time comes when the real cold arrives. Also, you'll probably want some kind of wind-breaking material (or at least long-johns) for pants when you're in need for that face gear. Those two things will coincide, at least IMO.

Anyways, good job! Keep it up!

Mask b/c it helps me breathe easier (get winded sprinting round buses when it gets below 40 degrees...I'm not a young pup anymore), and goggles (technically sunglasses w/ clear lenses) so my eyes don't tear up.  I ride down Diversey westbound from Milwaukee which isn't for the faint of heart...not many cyclists round these parts.  That left turn from Milwaukee onto Diversey has to be one of the toughest in the city.  I have longjohns but am fine without windbreaking material.  Have ridden in much, much colder.

And "newb"...c'mon.  If I wanted to use new gear I'd actually have some.  A $10 very lightweight mask and a cheap pair of clear glasses.  And get a load of my BMX grips.  But I had no idea how ninja-esque my fall/early winter setup looked until the Mrs. snapped my pic.

Edit - yeah the messenger bag.  Got me there.  But I had to buy one this spring after my old bag almost dragged me into a crash.  Enough about your pic so I can start calling you out ;)

Mr. Marauder, I (definitely a newb) wore the new goggles the other morning when it started out at about 22, and I was glad to have them.  Could not wait for the teens.  So sue me for being a wimp! ;-)

That being said, I did put them in the bag when it warmed up to low 30s for the ride home.  

Do you wear any eye protection when it's warmer?  I wear those same clear glasses from the pic when riding at night even in the summer...didn't think that was out of the ordinary at all, but maybe I just have sensitive eyes?

Lisa Curcio said:

Mr. Marauder, I (definitely a newb) wore the new goggles the other morning when it started out at about 22, and I was glad to have them.  Could not wait for the teens.  So sue me for being a wimp! ;-)

That being said, I did put them in the bag when it warmed up to low 30s for the ride home.  


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