Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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I finally got some studded tires. Slower going but the stability is sooo nice. Can't believe I didn't have them before. No more falls.

What did you get? I got a pair of Schwalbe Winter Marathons but I haven't really ridden much on them yet. I rode some last Saturday and was very pleased. Not once did I ever feel a loss of control along the lakefront path between Foster and Oak. There was plenty of snow but not much ice, though. On at least one occasion, when my rear wheel began to fishtail, I could almost feel the studs biting into the snow, negating the effect.

The Grizz said:

I finally got some studded tires. Slower going but the stability is sooo nice. Can't believe I didn't have them before. No more falls.

Yes, you can. But falls are **MUCH** less likely. Common sense is required, and there is a learning curve to explore the limits of traction. But riding in the winter with studded tires means that instead of expecting to fall a few times each winter, you can expect *not* to fall. I haven't fallen in 4 or 5 years of regular street riding in the winter. I have fallen during recreational-type riding, usually trying to ride through deep snow drifts. Frozen lakes are fun, but don't take corners too fast!


h' 1.0 said:

Careful with that- you can absolutely still fall.

The Grizz said:

I finally got some studded tires. Slower going but the stability is sooo nice. Can't believe I didn't have them before. No more falls.
They're schwalbes, & yes I still take care. Snow is still slippery & I don't go cornering on ice like I'm in a track race. "Hey guys, check this ou-waaah! Ooof!" :-)

Today, I saw this poor schmuck on (unplowed) Western (just south of Foster) at like 8.45am in the morning, snow/slush everywhere, traffic wasn't going very fast, but he was really struggling staying on his bike. You gotta know when to call it quits.

Never! Waaheee! My pride took me out in the freezing rain through 8" of slush. It was ridiculous. Still got to work on time, though.

The groundhog saw his shadow!

Anyone have any report on Milwaukee/Kinzie/Dearborn today? I took the bus this morning and the big roads looked pretty clear but I didn't get to see those three streets. Thinking of Divvying to Logan Square in the late afternoon.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Punxsutawney Phil!

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

I am usually in the animal rights camp, but under the circumstances I might be willing to help out here.

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

I am too busy issuing the following death threat to ride.  

Dear Mr. Groundhog:

Your day is coming up in 9 days.  If you see your shadow and claim that we are going to have six more weeks of winter, I am going to hunt you down, kill you and serve you as stew.  You had better not see your shadow, and if you do, you had better pretend that you did not.   And if we have six more weeks of winter as bad as the past several weeks, not only are you going to be stew, I am going to make a fur hat and gloves out of your family.

And in case you don't believe that a ground hog can accurately predict weather patterns: here's the outlook from NOAA.

Joe Guzzardo said:

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Punxsutawney Phil!

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

I am usually in the animal rights camp, but under the circumstances I might be willing to help out here.

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

I am too busy issuing the following death threat to ride.  

Dear Mr. Groundhog:

Your day is coming up in 9 days.  If you see your shadow and claim that we are going to have six more weeks of winter, I am going to hunt you down, kill you and serve you as stew.  You had better not see your shadow, and if you do, you had better pretend that you did not.   And if we have six more weeks of winter as bad as the past several weeks, not only are you going to be stew, I am going to make a fur hat and gloves out of your family.

As Mark Twain would say; there are "lies, damn lies and statistics". If you want the answer you're looking for, you just have to ask the right people. I rely upon the most independent, respected and authoritative source available:

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

And in case you don't believe that a ground hog can accurately predict weather patterns: here's the outlook from NOAA.

Joe Guzzardo said:

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Punxsutawney Phil!

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

I am usually in the animal rights camp, but under the circumstances I might be willing to help out here.

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

I am too busy issuing the following death threat to ride.  

Dear Mr. Groundhog:

Your day is coming up in 9 days.  If you see your shadow and claim that we are going to have six more weeks of winter, I am going to hunt you down, kill you and serve you as stew.  You had better not see your shadow, and if you do, you had better pretend that you did not.   And if we have six more weeks of winter as bad as the past several weeks, not only are you going to be stew, I am going to make a fur hat and gloves out of your family.

You know you have adjusted to the winter when you look at tomorrow's forecast that for sunshine and temperature that starts at about 0 with very little wind and goes up to about 20 with very little wind and think "what a great day for riding".


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