Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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No idea where they got that from. My forecast says it will be around 15°F for this evening's commute.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

The Tribune says tonight could be the coldest night of the winter at -3 degrees.  Wind chills -20.  Another layer perhaps?

Not going home--overnight.  So it will be that cold in the morning.
Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

No idea where they got that from. My forecast says it will be around 15°F for this evening's commute.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

The Tribune says tonight could be the coldest night of the winter at -3 degrees.  Wind chills -20.  Another layer perhaps?

Gotcha. Still only looks like it will only reach 5°F. 

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Not going home--overnight.  So it will be that cold in the morning.
Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

No idea where they got that from. My forecast says it will be around 15°F for this evening's commute.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

The Tribune says tonight could be the coldest night of the winter at -3 degrees.  Wind chills -20.  Another layer perhaps?

I made it home last night, but only because the roads were pretty much plowed. See, there *is* something automobile traffic is good for. ;-) Snow was about 5"-6" deep in Mundelein. Out of a mile's ride, I had to foot-dab three times and walk about 50 feet.

This morning the roads from the Western Avenue station were slick but not too thick with packed snow, so I had no problems keeping up my normal cruising speed. I saw a guy on a mountain bike making a turn at a fairly high rate of speed. His obvious confidence made me think he was riding on studded tires, and so he was.

You guys stay safe!


I am also still riding. :-)

h' 1.0 said:

Still riding: Steve Weeks and myself :-)

Also still riding! My new Dutch city bike is great in the snow!

Looks icy out there today. First day I will not be riding due to inclement weather.

Anyone going to brave it? Studded tires?

I didn't see much ice... Streets were pretty clear for me (Lincoln/Wells/Dearborn). Dearbon was more than well salted!

I walked out the door today on my way to the el and immediately regretted not riding. Up on the north-side it was not icy on the streets and there was a certain calm to the morning.

Jenn, that's the southern half of my route, now I really wish I had ridden.

hmmmm looking out my window onto Dearborn and it looks like it is slick with black ice

Let me rephrase that... Dearborn PBL was more than well salted.  (In most places.)

Kristy Lapidus said:

hmmmm looking out my window onto Dearborn and it looks like it is slick with black ice


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