Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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you mean brief the winter we had monday and tuesday?


just for the extra calorie burn? i rode "la chuleta"

This was my first time riding in the snow with my bike.

Slow, but fun.

Agreed, Rich - Worse than the actual slush and snow are the drivers. As I've ridden this week, I've been buzzed by, honked at, and nearly hit numerous times by cars who can't figure out why I am riding on the clear (uh, safe - and legal) part of the road. I want to cock-punch them all, so I'm switching to cta this afternoon.

Rich Evans said:

I wussed out today.  Wasn't so much the snow/slick that deterred me, as the enormous "idiot factor" on the streets.  First snowfall always freaks the cagers out, and today was no exception.  I saw even less patience/care, and even more really dangerous/stupid moves, by cars today.  Stay safe, everyone!

STAY OFF THE STREET WITH A BIKE TODAY.   The idiot factor is at a near all time high.  I worked my kid's school drop off today and I saw some of the most dangerous and aggressive driving I have ever seen.  The worst was a guy in a "fast car" that was tailgating another car while honking his horn.    He was mad that the other car was going slower on the snow covered street.   The other car stopped to turn, he nearly ran into them.   Honked the ENTIRE time the other person was honking, then cut into the Sourthport bike lane and charged up to Irving where he turned left from the right hand lane.   That was only one of many.    Some drivers are going slow because of the snow while others are being more aggressive because of the slow traffic.  A very deadly mix and no one is looking at all for the bicycles.

Sarah D. 1-3.3 said:

Agreed, Rich - Worse than the actual slush and snow are the drivers. As I've ridden this week, I've been buzzed by, honked at, and nearly hit numerous times by cars who can't figure out why I am riding on the clear (uh, safe - and legal) part of the road. I want to cock-punch them all, so I'm switching to cta this afternoon.

Rich Evans said:

I wussed out today.  Wasn't so much the snow/slick that deterred me, as the enormous "idiot factor" on the streets.  First snowfall always freaks the cagers out, and today was no exception.  I saw even less patience/care, and even more really dangerous/stupid moves, by cars today.  Stay safe, everyone!

How is this different from any other day?

David crZven 10.6 said:

STAY OFF THE STREET WITH A BIKE TODAY.   The idiot factor is at a near all time high.  I worked my kid's school drop off today and I saw some of the most dangerous and aggressive driving I have ever seen.  The worst was a guy in a "fast car" that was tailgating another car while honking his horn.    He was mad that the other car was going slower on the snow covered street.   The other car stopped to turn, he nearly ran into them.   Honked the ENTIRE time the other person was honking, then cut into the Sourthport bike lane and charged up to Irving where he turned left from the right hand lane.   That was only one of many.    Some drivers are going slow because of the snow while others are being more aggressive because of the slow traffic.  A very deadly mix and no one is looking at all for the bicycles.

My China Trek Bicycle hates this weather. Dry and Sunny Only. Be safe cycling Friends.

David crZven 10.6 said:

STAY OFF THE STREET WITH A BIKE TODAY.   The idiot factor is at a near all time high.  I worked my kid's school drop off today and I saw some of the most dangerous and aggressive driving I have ever seen.  The worst was a guy in a "fast car" that was tailgating another car while honking his horn.    He was mad that the other car was going slower on the snow covered street.   The other car stopped to turn, he nearly ran into them.   Honked the ENTIRE time the other person was honking, then cut into the Sourthport bike lane and charged up to Irving where he turned left from the right hand lane.   That was only one of many.    Some drivers are going slow because of the snow while others are being more aggressive because of the slow traffic.  A very deadly mix and no one is looking at all for the bicycles.

Sarah D. 1-3.3 said:

Agreed, Rich - Worse than the actual slush and snow are the drivers. As I've ridden this week, I've been buzzed by, honked at, and nearly hit numerous times by cars who can't figure out why I am riding on the clear (uh, safe - and legal) part of the road. I want to cock-punch them all, so I'm switching to cta this afternoon.

Rich Evans said:

I wussed out today.  Wasn't so much the snow/slick that deterred me, as the enormous "idiot factor" on the streets.  First snowfall always freaks the cagers out, and today was no exception.  I saw even less patience/care, and even more really dangerous/stupid moves, by cars today.  Stay safe, everyone!

CTA, Walk or don't go.   A broken leg, or hip or bicycle or worse is not worth one day of riding in rather rotten conditions.  I wouldn't drive either today.  

h' 1.0 said:

I agree that drivers are set to an idiocy setting of 11 today, but "stay off the street with a bike?"

That's how we get to the places we need to go, David.

David, I chose to take CTA today, but obviously we have lots of friends who 1) have biked in snow before, 2) know how to handle their bikes in snow, and 3) are comfortable riding when it snows.  Yes, the snow probably increases the "crazy driver" risk, but it also increases the risk for me as I walk.  The only choice is to stay home?  Nah!  Not our job to tell people not to ride their bikes.  Only our job to make the decision for ourselves.
David crZven 10.6 said:

CTA, Walk or don't go.   A broken leg, or hip or bicycle or worse is not worth one day of riding in rather rotten conditions.  I wouldn't drive either today.  

h' 1.0 said:

I agree that drivers are set to an idiocy setting of 11 today, but "stay off the street with a bike?"

That's how we get to the places we need to go, David.

I must have not run into in of the A-holes today.

I had a very pleasant (slow) ride. I took the lane for a few miles to ride in the tire tracks down Lincoln, got over in the 'clean' snow when there was a chance. My highest speed today was 12mph. Not a single person honked, yelled, etc at me. I had a one buzz to me, but that is an everyday thing no matter the weather. 

I will ride home, with the same mindset I have everyday "Smart, Safe, Predictable movements." Plus I look super awesome in my Hi-Viz vest & riding CTA wearing that I would look ridiculous! To each his/her, own!

I biked to work, mostly on Fullerton and Milwaukee, and it was no big deal. Slushy, but not a problem while rolling; rather be doing that than walking in it. I appreciate the wishes for safety, but I think it's better for all of us in this city who have to negotiate our way around each other that cyclists remain visible even when the weather is grumpy.

I just love how these threads unravel...

If you want to ride in a blizzard, great!  If you refuse to ride in the rain, who cares!

Ride 15 miles/day or 15 miles/year - that's fine!  We all have our own bikes, routes, experiences, etc.

This whole conversation is borderline retarded.

First off there is the fact that if you are going to stay off a bike today because of all the things that *could* happen you should also probably not leave your house ever because of all the things that *could* happen if you do so; in fact you may want to have the gas service disconnected because I heard that sometimes that stuff blows up...

Not to mention that your alternatives are not all that great; CTA costs money I do not want to spend and is not a good option to get where I need to be today.  It's to far to walk and I need to carry more than is easy when on foot.  I made a commitment to be there and need to fulfill that commitment so bike it is.

Now, I am the last person to give somebody guff over choosing not to ride.  We all have our own personal limits and that's fine.  However, telling people not to ride because of what *could* happen and exagerate the dangers is pretty much exactly the opposite of advocating cycling.

David crZven 10.6 said:

CTA, Walk or don't go.   A broken leg, or hip or bicycle or worse is not worth one day of riding in rather rotten conditions.  I wouldn't drive either today.  

h' 1.0 said:

I agree that drivers are set to an idiocy setting of 11 today, but "stay off the street with a bike?"

That's how we get to the places we need to go, David.


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