Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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Thanks Doug.  I will pick up a pair at the swap on Saturday.

notoriousDUG said:

Get a set of BMX flats, I ride those all year and I don't have any issues with feet sliding off of the pedals.  Pedals that are good with clips on them usually are not good without them.

Dave Grossman said:

I like the idea of attaching neoprene to the clips.  

Doug, the problem is when the pedals get wet or my shoes are wet from stopping, they constantly slip off the pedals.  For a 9 mile commute it is annoying to get pedal slippage.  I was told that Ergon makes a pedal that is good for preventing slippage and keeping your foot properly aligned.

Ha! When we are in a hurry, can we just call you "Special"?    :)

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

This describes me, entirely.  I've been thinking of legally changing my name to Spandex Clownsuit and requiring my friends to call me "Specialshoes".  Now I have a reason. ;-p

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

spandex clown suits, no special shoes, so stupid looking helmets etc.

Only if we're riding our short bikes :)


So to revive a more straightforward thread--I have managed the cold, hated--but managed--the wind, but if it really snows I am leaving my bike at work tonight.  Although the main route home was okay, the cars at the side street intersections scared the heck out of me.  And I don't think my bike is going to like real snow, either.

Not bad today...

Still gotta solve the cold feet thing.

Hate to say it, but I gave in and rode the CTA into work this morning.  I've been fighting a sinus infection all week, and trying to breathe in the cold yesterday was no fun.  And somehow my toes were frozen even with two pairs of SmartWool socks and boots.

Took the train so I wouldn't get frustrated watching bikes pass my bus over and over again.  

Silk sock liners, under smart wool socks, in Sidi boots, with booties worked for me.  Wiggling my toes helped a lot, too. 

My biggest problems so far have been overlayering and fogging/frosting glasses. 

Beans ~ 15 mi. said:

Not bad today...

Still gotta solve the cold feet thing.

Yes - I overlayered today also. Instead of the thin mostly polyester REI base layer I wore a heavier REI mostly polyester turtleneck with thumbholes layer. I think it is the turtleneck and perhaps the effect of the thumbholes that keep in too much heat?

My feets have been fine with the Bogs, smart wool socks and non-silk sock liners. 

Rich Evans said:

Silk sock liners, under smart wool socks, in Sidi boots, with booties worked for me.  Wiggling my toes helped a lot, too. 

My biggest problems so far have been overlayering and fogging/frosting glasses. 

Beans ~ 15 mi. said:

Not bad today...

Still gotta solve the cold feet thing.

Been a while since any of us have seen real snow.  My plan is just to sport lots of lights, and stay a bit further out (left) to stay very visible, take it slow and easy, and try like the devil to avoid any quick turns.  You're right about the cars on side streets -- they love to pull ouot into traffic, and sure aren't looking for us.  For those guys, I find a helmet light helps a lot -- you can aim and move your head a little to get their attention; they may be pissed, but they'll see ya then :).


Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

So to revive a more straightforward thread--I have managed the cold, hated--but managed--the wind, but if it really snows I am leaving my bike at work tonight.  Although the main route home was okay, the cars at the side street intersections scared the heck out of me.  And I don't think my bike is going to like real snow, either.

Side streets tend to get salted and plowed less. Major streets have more auto traffic, so the snow melts more due to warm cars driving over it. Due to these facts, when it's snowing I tend to stick to main thoroughfares, as there is less likely to be ice.

Saw three other cyclists heading south (south of the Loop) on the LFT on my way in this morning.  On days like this, I always think of other cyclists as part of my Band of Brothers.

"The fewer men, the greater share of honour."

Joe Studer 8.0 mi said:

Saw three other cyclists heading south (south of the Loop) on the LFT on my way in this morning.  On days like this, I always think of other cyclists as part of my Band of Brothers.


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