Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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that popped in my head as i saw the ice and then felt the road 

Steve Weeks, DDS said:

Two words: "Studded Tires".


Josh.E said:

I rode and fell on ice cause had to get around a truck that was going to crush me between a parked car and his dump truck.  got my new wraps scuffed and its the first fall from my new bike that i named Harley Quinn.  Still a little on edge cause of it though.

This darn flu is quite frustrating.   I haven't been in any physical condition to ride since before Christmas.  Now that I am starting to feel better, we are entering studded tire season... and again I cannot participate.   I have been unable to find any 27 by 1.25 inch studded tires.  Schwalbe, apparently, does not make them in that size nor any other 27 inch size.  Any thoughts (other than buying another bicycle)?

I wear longhandles when it gets cooler than 50. Today I wore two pair—cotton and wool! Yep, I have little to no circulation. But I felt good this morning; even my hands were OK. The sun might have made a difference.

Heavy fleece bib tights over Cabelas silk longjohns.  Another 10 degrees down, or another 10 mph headwind, and I'd through windpants over those.



If the topic is "need" you also don't need studded tires to ride in the winter in Chicago.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

You don't need a whole new bike, just wheels. Swapping a pair of 27" wheels for a pair of 700s requires almost no other changes. The brakes will have to be adjusted, but rarely do they have to be replaced. Everything else should be ok.

David crZven said:

This darn flu is quite frustrating.   I haven't been in any physical condition to ride since before Christmas.  Now that I am starting to feel better, we are entering studded tire season... and again I cannot participate.   I have been unable to find any 27 by 1.25 inch studded tires.  Schwalbe, apparently, does not make them in that size nor any other 27 inch size.  Any thoughts (other than buying another bicycle)?

i ride with 180s Quantumheat voyager base top and bottom with jeans and a hoodie then a chrome windproof jacket and a 180s embrace face mask.  But then i only ride like a mile each way home from work.

Not *this* winter (so far) maybe. Otherwise, it depends on if you are willing to fall. I'm not.


Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

If the topic is "need" you also don't need studded tires to ride in the winter in Chicago.

Forecast for low Monday night is 2--count 'em, 2--degrees and wind WNW at 18 mph.  Who plans to ride Tuesday morning?  I don't know yet. ;-)

Today I rode the CTA because I've been sick with a cold/flu, not sure. I thought it might be a good idea to rest. It normally takes me 20 minutes to get to work by bike. By CTA today, it took me 1.25 hours and I spent at least 40 minutes of that waiting in the cold on a train, which never came and then a bus. Today is a perfect example of why I would rather ride a bike in the worst conditions than ride the CTA.

Today's CTA issue was with signal issues in the loop. All trains (Brown, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Green) heading into the loop rails were significantly affected.

I just knew about this since my work mates who live in the city take either the Brown or Purple lines.

spencewine said:

Today I rode the CTA because I've been sick with a cold/flu, not sure. I thought it might be a good idea to rest. It normally takes me 20 minutes to get to work by bike. By CTA today, it took me 1.25 hours and I spent at least 40 minutes of that waiting in the cold on a train, which never came and then a bus. Today is a perfect example of why I would rather ride a bike in the worst conditions than ride the CTA.

as the saying goes, nobody "needs" studded tires until they do. i thought i didn't "need" studded tires to ride in chicago winters, but the school of hard knocks (literally) taught me otherwise. a couple of spills on glare ice can change one's mind real fast.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

If the topic is "need" you also don't need studded tires to ride in the winter in Chicago.

Me!  The cold won't stop me.  It's just ice that scares me.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Forecast for low Monday night is 2--count 'em, 2--degrees and wind WNW at 18 mph.  Who plans to ride Tuesday morning?  I don't know yet. ;-)


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