Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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Still riding! I ride through the winter, except for a few weeks in January/February when there's snow and ice on the ground in more than just patches.

Rode 20+ miles yesterday. I'll commute more this winter than I do in the summer as I don't like hot weather. Cold doesn't bother me but crowds do. Think snow skiing. Ice scares me (wiped out twice on ice last year) but I survived. My wife commented the LFP is plowed sooner than our street.

3 degrees!!!!???? Well, we will see if my layers make it to 3 degrees.

CZ said:

I put the latest Bike Winter sticker on today, so I'm committed. Can't remember whether this is my 3rd or 4th winter commuting, but I do remember starting out one morning when it was 3 degrees!

I ride every day to actually enjoy winter, among other countless benefits. I often feel smug about it among the "I love Chicago, but I hate winter in Chicago" crowd :).

Chiming in. I love winter biking. I've only missed one due to injury since I started commuting by bike. Its funny, because of my old injuries, I usually try to ride 5 days and use transit 2 days, but since it's gotten cold, I've ridden almost every day.

My cargo bike and I are still running regular family support trips, although I don't carry my daughter to and from school when it drops into or below the 30's.  This morning's crucial Dunkin' Donuts run was windy, but I have found a good goose down jacket keeps the chill away nicely.  I have to remind myself to remove the balaclava before entering banks or other higher security locales, full face masks make people nervous.  Not sure if I have a cutoff temperature.  For me it is about the trade-off of hassle versus time.  I haven't been logging anywhere near the miles I used to though since having a daughter a few years back.  Second daughter on the way in February, so I don't see my mileage or my lung capacity increasing any time soon, but the frequent use of the cargo bike for sub 5 mile rides will just continue to increase.  Hoping for a Hooptie when Santa comes:

So true about remembering to remove the Balaclava before walking into a business!

My hero....

Lawrence Wong K said:

I ride all winter long I have snow tires with studds. I bike from Evanston to downtown. I avoid the path on windy days. I have learned that you don't need a lot of clothing. I buy most my stuff from marshalls etc.

I recommend you carry and extra layer & food! GU etc.


I have been winter riding for 4 years and love it!

I ride most winter days. Cold doesnt bother me since I have the right clothing.

When the streets are particularly icey slushy salty and wet (and riding a bike stops being fun) I will take CTA. I usually miss a week or two total of the winter, which isnt much but keeps my commute stress-free.

...what william said.

I look forward to winter riding.

william said:

I ride most winter days. Cold doesnt bother me since I have the right clothing.

When the streets are particularly icey slushy salty and wet (and riding a bike stops being fun) I will take CTA. I usually miss a week or two total of the winter, which isnt much but keeps my commute stress-free.

I'll ride all winter like I have for the last few years.  I'm known at work as the crazy woman who biked to work on snowmaggedon.  That's a reputation I've got to maintain!  And I am so happy to be back on my bike after a late August dooring that separated my shoulder and kept me bikeless for months. 

I'll be out for my first bike winter in close to twenty years. All prepped with ski goggles, balaclava and appropriate layers.


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