A friend of mine has gone to the dark side (BMW Motorcycle) and moved out of the Chicago area.  In the process he is selling his Windcheetah Recumbent Trike and has left it with me.  Purchased new in 2000 for $5K, it is similar to the current model ClubSport.  Caution: This was custom-made for someone 6' tall or taller.  For those not familiar with Windcheetah, this is probably the Mercedes of trikes.  (Check out their website here: http://www.windcheetah.co.uk.  It is in perfect condition with new Continental tires and the complete manufacturer's kit of replacement parts and wheel fenders.  He is asking $2K for it.  More pictures available on request.  Contact me directly at bob.hoel"at"comcast.net if interested.  Trike is available for test rides in Elmhurst.

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