The tittle says it all. Why not expand the presence of our unexplainably addictive virtual hang-out? I would gladly write it myself, but hopefully someone with a more poetic command of the English language and a higher mastery of syntax might step up. What do you guys think?

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CORRECTION, the word is not unexplainbly, rather, it is inexplicably. See, there's my poor command of the language and feeble mastery of syntax at work...
This is an awesome idea!! Vando, why don't you take a shot at it?
I wouldn't mind doing it, but my writing is not up to snuff and I am not very proficient in how writing wikipedia entries works. I guess I shouldn't have said anything unless I was ready to do it myself huh! LOL. :-)

Leah said:
This is an awesome idea!! Vando, why don't you take a shot at it?
I would guess that the moderators will quickly delete such an entry. Larger forums get the same treatment. You really need to have a lasting cultural impact of some sort to pass their filter
Doesn't hurt to try...

root said:
I would guess that the moderators will quickly delete such an entry. Larger forums get the same treatment. You really need to have a lasting cultural impact of some sort to pass their filter
I agree that it doesn't hurt to try a Wikipedia entry! :)

Travesty - I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on site improvements. Feel to send me a PM any time!

travesty said:
it does hurt to try, but that isn't the reason not to.
The nature of an encyclopedia can not permit everything,
time is the reason why it hurts. Limited time.

better to work on continually improving this site
and just make a donation to wikipedia. Who are
still trying to reach their funding goal.

THIS site still has plenty of room for improvement,
as promising as it is, it is still quite fragile and
tumultuous from my perspective. The perspective
of a sometimes cycling advocate (both amateur
and pro even.)
For anyone interested in taking a shot at a Chainlink entry on Wikipedia, I've set up some redirects and a disambiguation page to help folks find the article:

the chainlink

Hopefully it will withstand the scrutiny of other wikipedia editors.

(I'm declining the honor of creating the actual entry.)


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