WI border - getting from Prairie Trail to Des Plaines River Trail

I'm doing a long ride while the weather is still nice, up the Fox River to the Wisconsin border and than over and down one of the other dedicated trails to get back...

Question is, is there a preferred route (or route to avoid) going west-to-east along the northern border?

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How about: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/204049929

This is from another cycling buddy of mine (who's not a Chainlinker). The route back is on surface streets, but it does show how he got west-to-east (Russell Road). I think once you get into the vicinity of the Chicago Botanical Gardens that you can pick up the Cook County Forest Preserve trails if you'd prefer not to travel on surface streets.

Good call on the street-view, I didn't think of that. :)

I'm not being super picky, as in looking for a dedicated trail or anything... I've toured on US highways and commuted in plenty of white-knuckled scenarios. Just looking for the optimal route, given the options available. 

Thank you both for input!

Rt. 176 appears to have a paved shoulder throughout and is pretty direct.


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