Why is there so much negativity in this space?  Am I just totally out of touch with reality, or are the forum rules totally disregarded with unpleasant attacks being the norm?  It seems like no-one can get involved, or ask a question without a gang of trolls jumping in and hijacking the thread.

I feel like I am partially responsible because I haven't been doing this enough but we should all be emailing the moderator more often: report@thechainlink.org

The forum rules are very clearly posted and I feel like there is a group of posters whom should clearly be warned or booted due to their disagreeable style of discourse.

I feel like our community deserves better.


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have we already all but forgotten about the happy thread already, so quickly?

Because people often view anything that is not in agreement with them to be hate and often feel anything that is not a 'nice' comment is an insult.


As someone who is, in the eyes of many, probably one of the people considered a 'hater' I will say this:


With the exception of one or two people I dislike for personal reasons that have to do with real life I don't hate, or even really dislike, anyone on this forum.  I try to make as many events as I can and almost always enjoy meeting people from here, even the ones I disagree with. 


Not to sound like a huge jag but if being called an idiot on the internet or enduring some chidding for your opinion upsets you this much life, in general, must be very difficult.


I will also ad that this, of the many forums I participate in or have used in the past, is one of the nicest out there when it comes to behavior and that the moderators here do a very good job.

<----- make your life easier and ignore me if you don't know me. And REALLY ignore me if you do know me. ;-) (Ignore Doug too! ;-) hahahahahaha

I'm gonna hug him reeeeaaaalllll good next time i see him! ;-) hahahahaha And Adriana you are ridic cute! love ya! ;-)

Cameron Puetz said:

That was a mean thing to say, I think Doug needs a hug now.

Gabe said:
(Ignore Doug too! ;-) hahahahahaha
Is there any "ignore" function?
Adriana, i'll be your Sebastian on a pink dragon! Love Never Ending Story!!! :-)
I hate everyone that posted on this thread.  :)  Just kidding.
Nah Ricardo you are right! Bunch a bastards! :-)

I love you, persons.


No, really.  There's never been a "I hate the hate" moment for me on the chain.  If I don't understand or agree, I ask a question or ignore.  And I don't read anything following Gabe's evil picture ;o   I kid...I think.


Overall, I keep coming back.  That has to say something.

We should have a "haters' happy bike event". Have some team building bike love followed by a happy picnic and beer. And a hug fest.

I'm kidding, of course.


But not about the beer. I'm serious bout that.
All that and no pants iggi ;-)
Optional. Otherwise, might inspire a different kinda hate.


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