Why on Earth Would You Pay Attention to Rebecca Black?

So Rebecca Black has 2 threads in the main forum and 1 in Kiddical Mass as I post this. And really i can only ask why over and over?

Is the Chainlink mainly made up of 13yr old girls? Is everyone on Chainlink hearing impaired? Does everyone here really love putrid music?

And how is it being debated that it sends a pro-car message? As much as we rail against cars all it shows is kids sitting in a car. That does happen in reality.

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you r missing the part where your parents r rich and produce the whole thing out of pocket and your rich parents know people that can get u attention regardless of whether it's deserved. and then fools actually pay attention and try to assign some sort of meaning to the drivel cause they have nothin better to do. :-)
Who the fuck is Rebecca Black and why do you give a crap!
Everyone should just chill! It's not like she's on MTV's "Cribs" or anything...
A few more youtube hits and a few more forums, and she just might be.

They will particularly focus on the cars she has in the 13 garages (one for each year of her life) and where she chooses to sit in them on any particular day of the week, but most often on fridays

Kevin Conway said:
Everyone should just chill! It's not like she's on MTV's "Cribs" or anything...

everything i wanna type i can't ... ;-)

Angela Dean said:

Who the fuck is Rebecca Black and why do you give a crap!
Mine was gonna have something to do with the age of consent and crap and her chest. Or really awful pictures of this chick.

I did a cover. hope you guys like it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi00ykRg_5c


Skip to 2:05

Decent cover Freddy! ;-)

$2000?  Rich?


It's just priorities.  I'm sure there are a lot of people on this site who have paid that much for a bike. Hell I'm sure there are many people here who have spent more than that on a wedding dress they (or their partner) will only wear once in their life.  


Making fun of or talking about the whole crazy phenomenon of internet memes and what makes something/somebody find their 15-minutes of fame is by no means has anythign to do with liking the music or even hating it.  It's a whole cultural internet snowball-growing phenomenon.  Its the talk of the day and next week everyone will probably have already moved on.


But what I don't get is some class-warfare mentality that somehow attacks the parents of this girl for spending $2000 on a birthday present that this girl and her friends were initially very pleased with.  It's no different than wasting money on a vacation to Disney or a million other things people foolishly spend their money on.


You all should be glad people spend money on silly (to you) things.  It is what this world feeds off of and what powers it.  If people didn't buy silly things they didn't actually need most of you would be out of work.  We'd all be hunter-gatherers or subsistence farmers squatting in caves and grass huts. 

Gabe said:
you r missing the part where your parents r rich and produce the whole thing out of pocket and your rich parents know people that can get u attention regardless of whether it's deserved. and then fools actually pay attention and try to assign some sort of meaning to the drivel cause they have nothin better to do. :-)

Can we start a new group, Chanilinkers with Rebecca Black profile pics?



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