A nice short article in the Guardian

"The motorist is born free, but everywhere he is in queues... [The bicyclist] demonstrates the freedom that car drivers have traded for comfort."

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I can't even begin to guess what this post is trying to say. 

Douglas Iverson said:

The behavior of motorists doesn't warrent breaking traffic laws on a bike. Only half the population has an IQ of average (100) or higher. Ever heard of the Darwin Awards? An example is someone who uses a cigarette lighter to check the level of gas in the can and by killing himself he has done the human race a favor by not passing on those genes. Here is a very informative website about motorists, cyclist and prdestrian rage.
I am on topic. Read between the lines. Why motorists hate cyclists is the topic. What percentage of motorists hate cyclists? Is a person who salmons at night without a headlight as smart as someone who doesn't do this realizing the danger? Are common sense and IQ related? Is common sense arbitrary? Why do different people react to the same situation differently? Have you taken any psychology or philosophy courses? An example is if someone is slapped one person will slap back, another person will curse and still another will say "I feel sorry for you." Give these people IQ tests. Guess who will have the lowest and highest IQ in this scenario. Would you hire a person who doesn't start a sentence with an upper case letter or uses there all the time instead of there, their and they're as opposed to another applicant who uses the grammar of an educated person. I really don't think you visited that website and if so then it went over your head. You say nobody cares about Dr. Driving's website. That means I'm nobody. It means none of the 7 billion people on this rock care. Then why does he pay to keep it active? This forum is for all of us to express ourselves and the rules say not to bash anybody. If IQ is arbitrary then it's one hell of a coincidence that people like Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and all those scientists in all the fields therein have genius IQ's. You might be proving my point.
There is an old saying. "Never put your mouth in motion until your brain is in gear." I did some research and Dr. Driving really is a doctor and road rage and cyclist hating deal with phychology. Dr. Driving aka Leon James holds a PhD in psychology and is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Hawaii. I'll bet he has a genius IQ or damn close to it. Put the pieces together. Why do motorists hate cyclists? Compare the IQ's of motorists who hate cyclists with motorists who don't. There is no intelligent reason to hate a cyclist.

To Doug and Dr. Leon James:

Go get into a car together and drive slowly into a pit of fire from satan's ass.  



Even I think that is inappropriate for this forum.

Zoetrope said:

To Doug and Dr. Leon James:

Go get into a car together and drive slowly into a pit of fire from satan's ass.  



h' said:

Actually, yes, I believe it is different. The physical properties of a car isolate one and make one feel completely disconnected from society in a way that being on a bicycle never will.

When is the last time you saw a cyclist dump an ashtray or a McDonald's bag on the street with a completely blank expression on their face? When is the last time you saw a cyclist laying on their bell or screaming at a line of traffic in front of them that's waiting for a pedestrian to cross? When is the last time you saw a cyclist waiting at a light with their finger completely buried in their nose? When is the last time you saw a cyclist purposely swerve at someone to "teach them a lesson?"

No cyclists don't necessarily empty out ashtrays or dump McD's bags on the street because they don't have them on bikes but if you take a look on the LFP during the warmer months, you'll see cyclists toss gel packets without a second thought.  Hell, pedestrians seem to toss cigarettes or other garbages on the sidewalk without a second thought.  And there's quite a few cyclists that don't seem to have any problems blowing snot rockets at a light or at other times.  Likewise with spitting.  However, I do concede that cyclists don't tend to swerve at people to teach them a lesson.

If you're bothered by that does it mean you have a low IQ?

notoriousDUG said:

Even I think that is inappropriate for this forum.

No, it means you're an asshole.

Zoetrope said:

If you're bothered by that does it mean you have a low IQ?

notoriousDUG said:

Even I think that is inappropriate for this forum.

What happened to the Dug that would comment on CL members pages about how fun it is to argue on the internet?  Have you turned over a new leaf, or are you just trying to get back at me for making fun of you?  

No, I still like to argue but you're just being an asshole.  It seems to be your basic mode of operation be it hitting pedestrians, scaring girls in cars or otherwise being a prick.

Zoetrope said:

What happened to the Dug that would comment on CL members pages about how fun it is to argue on the internet?  Have you turned over a new leaf, or are you just trying to get back at me for making fun of you?  

Aw.  Someone's having a bad day.  


You're just an asshole.

Believe it or not at times people disliking you has less to do with their mood and more to do with how you act.

Crazy, right?

Zoetrope said:

Aw.  Someone's having a bad day.  


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