Aside from the absolute recklessness of this guy its still flippin sweet....

Mash from romk on Vimeo.

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hipster dufus.
I am torn now as to what my next nickname will be - "Pot Stirrer" or "Hipster Dufus"

Another discussion thread?
I'm with Bussey, those videos are pretty wicked. I've said this before and I'll say it again. I love seeing bikers take large stupid ass risks, it's a good time (and when I was a little younger I did it far more often). The great thing about being a biker taking stupid risks is that statistically you're more likely to cause bodily harm only to yourself. Sure you may ruin someones property but honestly I could care less about that. And of course there is the emotional damage your death may or may not cause, but again, not that big of a deal. It's not an exact corollary because it comes inherently from a very self centered area but John Staurt Mill's Harm Principle does apply to reckless bikers on some level, but we'll leave that up to debate.

But I'm not stubborn about this or anything. If anyone can provide statistical data (not anecdotal recollections of a personal account) that reckless bikers lead to the deaths of other people as well as their own then I would easily change my stance.
Terrible. Terrible. Terrible....and I am one of the biggest fixed gear advocates on this forum, because that is all I ride and build.

He put, not only his life at risk, but others. I've made a couple of videos with similar efforts, but never did I once film them in the middle of live traffic - not scripted traffic- but fucking live "there might be a baby on board" traffic.

That is not fixed and free...that is fixed and dumb. ....

Also that bike is a bullshit ass fix build ......garbage wheel set up ..geometry of the bike is wack, plus it does not even fit him, which is why the seat post is highly raised.

Plus the angle of his horns are too low , causing his position to be too far over = Instant head injury during a crash....

Plus skidding down hill in the rain with no toe cages or clipless pedals?????

How many Fixed geared enthusiests does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Four! Three to film it, and one to screw it in!
Anyone up for my request? What does the statistical data of a reckless biker killing someone other than himself say?
Killing another is unlikely but there is a lot more to worry about then that. Do injuries and creating irreparable damage to cyclists image in the eyes of motorists and pedestrians count for nothing?

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
Anyone up for my request? What does the statistical data of a reckless biker killing someone other than himself say?
Nah, in my experience people tend to hate bicyclists for irrational reasons and showing them a high safety record isn't going to help. But that's my experience, I have no data to support a claim like that. But also on a personal level I don't really find it a very interesting argument to begin with because I am not really interested in improving the image of biking. I think it's unnecessary. The American people will continue to drive until the cost of resources makes it prohibitive. It's that simple, biking increases in popularity as cost increases. Safe and respectful riders have little to do with it.

notoriousDUG said:
Killing another is unlikely but there is a lot more to worry about then that. Do injuries and creating irreparable damage to cyclists image in the eyes of motorists and pedestrians count for nothing?
Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
Anyone up for my request? What does the statistical data of a reckless biker killing someone other than himself say?
I just like watching these d-bags act like d-bags....riding fast in traffic is such a rush......cage free that is...
I say take it off the streets but agree with your previous statement about olympics. I would like to see a version of fg city riding crazy taxi style in the x games or something like that, but everyone would be wearing helmets too.
loved that one for a long time... Andy bombs the fuck out of that hill on his way down into the city... running that big gearing [48x15] he stops his rear wheel with a grace... sweet thanks for posting this..
This guy is a joke.


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