Aside from the absolute recklessness of this guy its still flippin sweet....

Mash from romk on Vimeo.

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What's the old adage...

Bones heal
Chicks dig scars
and Glory lives forever

Funny how we lose that as we get older
Michael Brosilow said:
If want a more receptive audience you should have posted it on chifag. Then the discussions would be more about how the rider color coordinates his deep vee rims with his u-lock holster & vans.

Aaron Bussey said:
I think this discussion is why so many people are still on and refuse to sign up for

Wow! this thread has everything! macho posturing AND homophobia. How about we just give it a rest guys?
I'd like to be the guy that sells him tires...Good profit if he lives a few more years. Or his knees don't fail.
On the one hand I think these guys are douchebags and on the other I'm kind of jealous because I just don't have it in me to ride like that. I think everyone complaining should at least admit it looks fun.
It's the "I'm so cool the safety of others means nothing to me" a-holes like this who are pissing off all the drivers that decide to take their frustrations out on me when I'm out riding. Boooooooo!

On another note, I uploaded my own fixed gear video last night. Um, well, kinda, sorta, uh, not really.

There are old riders
and there are bold riders
but there are no old bold riders.

Aaron Bussey said:
What's the old adage...

Bones heal
Chicks dig scars
and Glory lives forever

Funny how we lose that as we get older

If the dude at 1:00 lost his fro he would be just as aero on the bar tops as he is on the drops...


Duppie said:
Since we are talking about flippin sweet dumbass tricks, how about this one. Look at the car in the far lane at 0:54. He would have done the cycling community-at-large a big favor by being less attentive.

Arrak Thumrs said:
Hmmm... "Aside from the absolute recklessness..."
My personal opinion is posting this display of brazen death-baiting with the herald, "flippin' sweet" is social recklessness. I would like to slap that rider with a couple hundred dollar fine and a court-order to not ride a bike for four months for that display around 01:00. As in, lost his license---if only that were possible in this case.
This is missing the point to the highest degree.

While I am pretty sure they would just find new and interesting ways to be douche bags if there where fewer cars that is beside the point; the issue with videos like that is the fact that the glorify and promote horribly irresponsible ridding and behavior that only makes motorists more aggressive and upset at cyclists. No brakes on those hills in that kind of traffic is dangerous enough to start with and those guys are, with little to know thought about other people, making the conscious decision to cut things as close as possible for the sake of getting a thrill.

Not only do you have them encouraging yet another kid to get out there on a bike with no brakes and make bad choices but they are putting others at risk. You don't think a pedestrian who gets in the way of one of those idiots is not going to get hurt? What if it's a kid? What about the costs, both mentally and monetarily, of a motorist who ends up hitting one of them because they broke the law and put themselves at risk? One of those guys misjudges a guy going 5 over the limit through an intersection and he's dead; oh yeah, the speared broke the law but the rider was still running a RED light, should that driver have to live with that? How about somebody who makes a turn they thought they where clear for only to strike one of those idiots skirting around their car?

Stuff like that is stupid and dangerous, it puts the riders at risk. It puts others at risk. It makes other cyclists look bad and generates ill will towards cyclists. When one rides like that they are thinking of no one but themselves and there is really no excuse for it beyond complete and total selfishness; making videos to glorify and promote that is even worse.

Also don't even use that as an excuse of why there are not more ChiFG kids here; I can not speak for them but I would be willing to bet that most of the serious cyclists on that forum may not feel as strongly about it as I do but still do not endorse that kind of riding. Fixie tricks are neat, I like to watch them, when preformed at the right time and place.

And before I see the standard come back about me and laws: No, I don't follow every one but I also do not take unnecessary risks and I try to think about the people I share the road with.

Aaron Bussey said:
I still like watching it - these guys wouldnt be such d-bags if less people drove...
DUG - good points and well written....I agree wholeheartedly, but still find it awesome to watch. Maybe we need a closed track where we can have these guys do these things without endangering others - like a X-Games version of Crazy Taxi....

notoriousDUG said:
This is missing the point to the highest degree.

While I am pretty sure they would just find new and interesting ways to be douche bags if there where fewer cars that is beside the point; the issue with videos like that is the fact that the glorify and promote horribly irresponsible ridding and behavior that only makes motorists more aggressive and upset at cyclists....(edit)
I can't watch these things anymore.

Not because I'm worried about breaking traffic laws. Nor is it because I pity the poor, poor motorist who *gasp* might hit them.

Mainly, it's because they are so fucking sloppy.

Riding this fast and lawless is a delicate matter. You need to leave yourself a reasonable escape route. These guys blow into intersections, depending on motorists to react to them. That isn't skillful; it's just rude (and stupid.)

That said, at least they're on bikes instead of sports cars.


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