If you haven't seen the article: http://bikeportland.org/2010/06/20/an-estimated-13000-take-part-in-... 

Portland stomped us in turnout for the Naked Ride.

I saw the posting earlier and have been racking my brain as to why Chicagoans, many on this very site, wouldn't attend an event like World Naked Bike Ride-Chicago.

This is an event that stands for several important causes from less cars and less oil to positive body image and safety for cyclists (shows how naked we are on that bike.).

It's also a ride that you can attend or help out with in various manners and different level of dress (or undress) something we call "Bare as you Dare".

Portland is about 1/5th the size of Chicago, not counting Chicagoland and they had about 6x the turnout as we did.

Gotta tell ya Chicago, that's PATHETIC!

So why didn't you come to Naked Ride? There are more of you that didn't than did so why didn't you feel this was important? Was it religion? Poor body image? Weather? Or is it just not important to you?

I'd really like to hear good reasons to not attend.

I have a strong feeling this will just end up falling off the board cause people hate facing there own weakness but maybe getting called out will get you off your duff for next year!

Views: 516

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Hahahaha, nicely done Lisa. I've made an appropriate edit however.

Lisa yeah said:

Cyclists expecting to miss the World Naked Bike Ride for a family event or other planned activity must fill out this form, obtain proper signatures and permission, and file it with the Attendance Office at least 24 hours in advance of the WNBR. Filling out the form does not automatically mean the absence will be excused, and all absences count against the Eight Ride Attendance Policy, except medical (with doctor’s notice), death in the family, or building bikes for Kenya, as determined by the administration. Emergency situations will not always require this form, especially if an emergency occurs on route to the starting point of the WNBR. Should this happen, the cyclist’s parent or guarding must call the administration to let the administration know about the cyclist’s whereabouts as soon as possible.

Cyclist’s Name___________________________

Circle Grade level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Parent’s Work Phone______________________

Reason For Expected Absence__________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________

Excused_______ Not Excused__X__ Administrator_________________________

(Form must be returned to the Administrator at least 24 hours before the WNBR.)

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Hahahaha, nicely done Lisa. I've made an appropriate edit however.

Lisa yeah said:

Cyclists expecting to miss the World Naked Bike Ride for a family event or other planned activity must fill out this form, obtain proper signatures and permission, and file it with the Attendance Office at least 24 hours in advance of the WNBR. Filling out the form does not automatically mean the absence will be excused, and all absences count against the Eight Ride Attendance Policy, except medical (with doctor’s notice), death in the family, or building bikes for Kenya, as determined by the administration. Emergency situations will not always require this form, especially if an emergency occurs on route to the starting point of the WNBR. Should this happen, the cyclist’s parent or guarding must call the administration to let the administration know about the cyclist’s whereabouts as soon as possible.

Cyclist’s Name___________________________

Circle Grade level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Parent’s Work Phone______________________

Reason For Expected Absence__________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________

Excused_______ Not Excused__X__ Administrator_________________________

(Form must be returned to the Administrator at least 24 hours before the WNBR.)
I didn't go on the Naked Ride because I was afraid I would see Aaron naked.

Ed said:
I didn't go on the Naked Ride because I was afraid I would see Aaron naked.

Better stay out of his dwelling then also. And it would be prudent to avoid his workplace, school, and recreational haunts as applicable.
I'm thinking about being naked right now too.....my mind bitches!!!
I showed up the last 2 months for Evanston Mass with my cousin and only one person showed and then he left because we were the only to people there. Whoever is hosting the Evanston Mass did not even show, which I feel is very bad manners...

Aaron Bussey said:
I'm gonna ride in Evanston Critical Mass naked this month!
Signed, Juan Epstien's Mother

Lisa yeah said:

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Hahahaha, nicely done Lisa. I've made an appropriate edit however.

Lisa yeah said:

Cyclists expecting to miss the World Naked Bike Ride for a family event or other planned activity must fill out this form, obtain proper signatures and permission, and file it with the Attendance Office at least 24 hours in advance of the WNBR. Filling out the form does not automatically mean the absence will be excused, and all absences count against the Eight Ride Attendance Policy, except medical (with doctor’s notice), death in the family, or building bikes for Kenya, as determined by the administration. Emergency situations will not always require this form, especially if an emergency occurs on route to the starting point of the WNBR. Should this happen, the cyclist’s parent or guarding must call the administration to let the administration know about the cyclist’s whereabouts as soon as possible.

Cyclist’s Name___________________________

Circle Grade level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Parent’s Work Phone______________________

Reason For Expected Absence__________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________

Excused_______ Not Excused__X__ Administrator_________________________

(Form must be returned to the Administrator at least 24 hours before the WNBR.)
Well this thread has run it's course. Thanks for the positive input. The rest of ya i think a little less of. ;-) Yep, that's me lookin down on your lazy ass. ;-)


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