Who will/has ridden when it is -13 with wind chill of -40?

How will/have you done it?  I no longer debate with myself whether to ride when it is -1 or -2 and the wind chill is *only* -10 to -15, but I have been debating with myself about Monday and Tuesday riding.  So far the "Are you crazy" side is definitely winning, and I am leaning to waiting until it warms up to -1 on Wednesday before I ride again.

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I know this doesn't count (and I have the utmost admiration for those of you who braved the sub-zero temps) but spending 45 minutes on the rollers in my garage was close enough to give me my fix.

Nothing like seeing the look on my kids face when they see me soaked in sweat when I come inside.

i have to at least try this. Windchill Ride!

bob hsiung said:

i might be up for a ride after work. is local option close for anybody else?


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