i have two awesome floor seat tickets for lady gaga this sunday at the rosemont.
however, phase 1 of my "running away with the circus plans" begins in less than a week and i have tons of packing to do (no, not a metaphor- i *really* did get a job with a circus).
the friend that was going with me bailed, everyone else that i know that would be interested is working, and now i'm feeling like i dont really have time for this show. i am willing to sell them at cost (plus a few bucks for gas and time since i am physically going to have to go out to the rosemont to get the tickets with my i.d.). tickets were 75 a piece with a 10 dollar handling fee.
or perhaps if you're an awesome person that is a big fan and would like to see the show with me, you might be able to charm me into attending with you.