A friend sent me this image and asked me who it was.

I thought I'd see how long it took the Chainlink to come through with a positive ID.

Start the clock. . .

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For everyone who has expressed interest, I put a unicycle get-together on the calendar: Open Unicycle Ride.  Sunday, June 26.  Come on out and meet some other beginner/intermediate/advanced unicyclists!

Also, join the Unicyclists group while you're at it.

James, I don't know anything about Avenir, but I'm sure it will work for learning.  A 20" or 24" will fit you.  You may have to saw down the seatpost on a 24" (I did on the 36"), but a bike shop can do that for you.  I personally recommend the 24" because it's faster and you can roll over bumps more easily. 

You're becoming quite the unicyclist groupy...

H3N3 said:

I saw a svelte young Unicyclist on the Western bus last night.

Bus driver had no apparent problem with taking it onto the bus.

He had green tires and what looked like police/caution tape wrapped around the seatpost (for unknown reasons-- to slowdown seatpost thieves maybe?



Synchronize your watches-- 7:34 PM Sunday 5/22;

Who is this?



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