Who Is Submitting A Video to The City of Chicago's Bike PSA Contest? It's Free!!!

Find out how here!

Submit your video today! Read the instructions below to enter your short video into the Bike it Everywhere, Chicago! contest.

Submission Deadline: Sunday, May 20, 2012

In celebration of Bike Chicago 2012 and Bike To Work Week, The City of Chicago is hosting a public service announcement (PSA) video contest to help spread the message that bicycling is a fun, healthy and environmentally-friendly form of transportation.


Video finalists will be screened at the Bike Chicago Movie in Millennium Park on Tuesday, June 12 and the winners will be announced at the City of Chicago’s Bike Rally on Friday, June 15.  


Tons of bike-related prizes will be awarded as well including:


- a pair of Four-Star Bike Tour registrations courtesy of Active Trans

- a Trek Earl courtesy of Goose Island Beer Company (pictured left)

- a pair of Chicago Bicycle Film Festival passes

- a Chainlink shirt and more!  

Check back often as this prize list grows!



Additional information and how to submit your video here!



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