Who is an expert (or amateur enthusiast) of bikes, safety, jerseys of Tour de France history?

I work for a company (http://nepris.com) that finds folks to talk to classrooms over webcam, a matchmaker between industries and classrooms. I have a request from a 4th grade teacher that although is very interesting to me personally, I don't know where to go to find the person with this knowledge. So I thought I would post it here to see if you know of someone that would be knowledgeable and potentially willing to talk to about 7 students over webcam about the following:


We are reading a book called The Bicycle Spy and comparing the Tour de France from the 1930's to the 2010's 

Key Questions

Discuss changes made to bike technology in the Tour de France/Bicycle Industry from 1930 - 2018

Discuss changes made to uniform technology in the Tour de France/Bicycle Industry from 1930 - 2018

Discuss changes in safety technology in the Tour de France/Bicycle Industry from 1903 - 2018

Expected Outcomes

Information regarding the changes in technology between the 1930's Tour de France and the current race

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There are probably some SRAM folks on here but I have a couple of folks in mind, too. DM me your email and I’ll introduce you. 


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