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I watched the first ten seconds or so and will have to just take your word for it. Nothing brings me closer to the one-eye-twitching brink of ultraviolence than news opinion shows. This goes for the entire political spectrum, not just Fox.

As an aside, I just very recently learned that George Romero put in some time working on the set of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood and the experience is what inspired him to make horror films.
I Loved Mr. Rogers. This makes me SO mad it's ridic.
Some people unfortunately are what you would call: "Haters"

I think they are sad and pathetic.

Fred Rogers was a man with a gift and a vision about treating children as unique individuals. People who can't or refuse to understand this are lacking empathy.
Must have been a slow "news" day for Faux News to "report" on the supposed evils of a deceased childhood icon.
Make your own butter?

MMMmmmm -butter....
Fred Rogers was one of the few honestly good entertainers. Kind, humble, and always striving to help children. If there was one person who wasn't evil, it was Mr. Rogers.

Some better videos:
- Fred Rogers before a Senate Panel
- Fred Rogers with the most humble Emmy acceptance ever
Thank you for proving to me once again why I got rid of TV.

I also heard that his mother made every sweater that he wore on the show.
Wow. I really hope Jon Stewart catches wind of this.
H3N3 said:
Oh, Jesus.
Here I was working on some half-formed thought about how ironic it was that Fox was going all "commie-pinko-pansy" on Mr. Rogers despite his history of being a ruthless killer and military hero, and I couldn't find anything on wikipedia about that . . . I don't remember who filled my ear with this nonsense but I've apparently been duped:

But there is some useful stuff for Faux News to tap into on Wikipedia:
"one of his famous songs explains how a child cannot be pulled down the bathtub drain because he or she will not fit"
Faux: He should have been teaching kids that they need to work hard to keep from being pulled down the drain.
"He even once took a trip to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh to show children that a hospital is not a place to fear. "
Faux:He should have been telling kids hospitals are where they'll end up if they don't work hard enough.
"During the Gulf War (1990–91), he assured his audience that all children in the neighborhood would be well cared for and asked parents to promise to take care of their own children."
Faux: he should have been telling those kids to get off their lazy asses and take care of themselves.
I got something completly different, to me it seemed they where making fun of the university prof that did the study....IMO thats a bigger wast than any news show, the show is driven by commercial money, the university probably wasted tax grant money to do the study...

Even if I'm wrong about the tone of the newscasters.

I'm special and want a grant to study something useless....
I'm not a fan of Mr. Rogers and it has nothing to do with this Faux News report.

The guy was a Presbyterian minister.

Religion has, in my opinion, done more harm than good on this planet. So in fact he IS part of the problem as far as I'm concerned. I don't have much love for any cultist -much less a cultist who has achieved middle-management/leadership status within any cult.
My favorite was the "entitlement" that he gave kids. IMO the Faux "News" caster children will have more of an entitlement complex than most kids.


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