Who did you run into that you know today on your ride? Today was unlike any other day, especially in nice weather.

Aaron at Belmont and Clark and then my brother's ex girlfriend/yoga instructor at Schubert and Clark.

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I saw Chase from Iron Cycles yesterday on the North Branch.
I just sent this out via email to friends, and it is relevant here, so....

So after a long day toiling on broken computers I decided to detour my evening bike ride past the Dirkesen Federal building down the street from my office. Former governor Rod Blago was just convicted on one count of corruption, with a hung jury on the other 23 counts. Any native Chicagoan worth his salt loves a good corruption trial as much as a Chicago style hot dog or slice of deep dish, and I'm no exception. I also love the occasional spectacle you see in the city. As I rolled up there were a lot more cops in the street then a while earlier. They were getting all huffy puffy and were barking orders at random passer bys. The Chicago cops have a long and rich history of corruption and brutality, so it's best to stay far away when they get like that.

I took to the curb across the street just as a huge cheer came up from the crowd. And yes, the crowd loved him, and there were a ton of people out there. Sure enough, I saw Patti, and then a second later, I saw The Hair himself! I snapped a picture with my Android phone, but you really can’t see him. Still it was a thrill.

As the nissan SUV rolled away I expected the cops to follow. They surprisingly did not. I figured my fun was over, and started rolling myself. My route home was the way blago just went. Sure enough, he catches the next red light. As I roll up he is already hanging out the window shaking the hand of another guy on a bike, so I extend my hand and give him a "Hey, how's it goin?". He shakes my hand and says something like "Hey, how are you". I have to say, TV does not do his hair justice! It is immaculate! There should be folk songs written about this man’s hair! There should be a museum dedicated to it! At least a national day of celebration! How a man can keep his ‘do looking that good under such stress shows he is truly “one who walks among us, but is not one of us”!

I’m not sure there are any other places where convicted corrupt politicians are treated and loved like celebrities. I am conflicted myself. This man did betray the trust of millions of people, and made a laughing stock out of my state (made my state more of a laughing stock?). But don’t look down on it until you have seen this man’s hair up close and in person. With the way the world is, we are all going to hell, and Rod will be leading the way, so you might as well enjoy it!

Only in Chicago baby! Long live The Hair!
I saw Martin Hazard southbound on Milwaukee Avenue this morning, in daylight, about to be early for work.
I saw Niki Elenbass as I was (walking) to the state of illinois building at 11 am today ?

(she had a bag full of groceries btw).

go figure : 6000 people at the hilly hundred and I never saw her or Jamie once; then In a city with
over 1 million people downtown I see her (and she works 3 blocks from my office).

very cool

Kevin Conway said:
I saw Martin Hazard southbound on Milwaukee Avenue this morning, in daylight, about to be early for work.
maybe he was not going to work.
maybe he was returning home from a marauders ride ????

Kevin Conway said:
I saw Martin Hazard southbound on Milwaukee Avenue this morning, in daylight, about to be early for work.
Sunday night Marauders - start the workweek with a groan. hehe

dan brown said:
maybe he was not going to work.
maybe he was returning home from a marauders ride ????

Kevin Conway said:
I saw Martin Hazard southbound on Milwaukee Avenue this morning, in daylight, about to be early for work.
I have to admit I am jealous. In my small city I never see another commuter. I am sure there must be some, I just do see anyone. Today was my 111'th commute for the year. But even alone, I still love!
Ran into Liz Miller stopped at the light at the corner of Kinzie & DesPlaines about 5:30 pm. Rode north with her to Milwaukee & Division.
It was nice to have a little company on my commute last night!  Made riding all the way downtown yesterday worthwile.
I got one! I got one! I think I saw John Edel at 21st and California . . . I rang but he didn't look.

Someone called my name on Tuesday, March 1, on Milwaukee near Wood, as I was traveling southbound. I didn't have the opportunity to look and without my glasses, I can't identify faces more than 50 feet away.


Was it you!?

I used to see or literally (almost) run into people I work with in Edgewater but since I moved to Humboldt and winter Balaclavas I don't see anybody. :-(


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