Who did you run into that you know today on your ride? Today was unlike any other day, especially in nice weather.

Aaron at Belmont and Clark and then my brother's ex girlfriend/yoga instructor at Schubert and Clark.

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joe sak and the guy with the bunny rabbit ears!
um...i ran into, or should i say, rod blagoawoeivich ran by me saturday on my walk home (also my bike route) to/from school. i believe it was at wilson and rockwell, near waters elementary school. it had to be him. the hair was oh so there, and everywhere.

he was jogging so slowly, lumbering along. and the way he swivled his head side to side, he was either being vain and looking at his reflection in the car windows or breathing like a freestyle swimmer, tilting his head to the side for air. it was weird. should i have yelled something? should i have given him money? all these things started running (no pun) through my head when i realized i should grab my camera. i've heard of blago jogging in the neighborhood, but like Sasquatch or the lockness monster, i never thought i'd actually see it. come to think of it, he was trundling along and looking toward me (or the car windows, or breathing like a swimmer) very much like Sasquatch looking back for that infamous picture. :-\ i shall name him "blagsquatch".

Heh, I've seen him running as well. Always a bleepin' golden thing to see!

Mark Kenseth said:
um...i ran into, or should i say, rod blagoawoeivich ran by me saturday on my walk home (also my bike route) to/from school. i believe it was at wilson and rockwell, near waters elementary school. it had to be him. the hair was oh so there, and everywhere.

he was jogging so slowly. and the way he swivled his head side to side, he was either being vain and looking at his reflection in the car windows or breathing like a freestyle swimmer, tilting his head to the side for air. it was weird. should i have yelled something? should i have given him money? all these things started running (no pun) through my head when i realized i should grab my camera. i've heard of blago jogging in the neighborhood, but like Sasquatch or the lockness monster, i never thought i'd actually see it. come to think of it, he was lumbering along very much like Sasquatch. :-\ i shall call him "blagsquatch".

The guy with the bunny rabbit ears is apparently David

Julie Hochstadter said:
joe sak and the guy with the bunny rabbit ears!
I see him all the time too!

Julie Hochstadter said:
The guy with the bunny rabbit ears is apparently David

Julie Hochstadter said:
joe sak and the guy with the bunny rabbit ears!
I saw a certain Mr. Lee Diamond going eastbound on Howard around 6PM while heading west.
jelous. But I got to see him Sat night when he and Ross rocked out at Elbo Room. Where were you Ryan?

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I saw a certain Mr. Lee Diamond going eastbound on Howard around 6PM while heading west.
Hey Joe, good to see/catch up with you today on my commute in. I was huffing and puffing when I got in my office, you're fast!
At home. Yes, I'm lame. I had to chill out for the Salt Creek adventure I had Sunday morning.

Julie Hochstadter said:
jelous. But I got to see him Sat night when he and Ross rocked out at Elbo Room. Where were you Ryan?

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I saw a certain Mr. Lee Diamond going eastbound on Howard around 6PM while heading west.
Last night while enjoying some of cold stone's watermelon sorbet, I saw Scott Hawley blast through Lincoln Square. About 3 Minutes later Sarah H IMed a pic of a sexy yellow locked to a pole... Kinda wierd to have someone IM you a pic of your bike that is locked up less then 10 ft away from you.
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I saw a certain Mr. Lee Diamond going eastbound on Howard around 6PM while heading west.

And I'm still sore . . .


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