Who did you run into that you know today on your ride? Today was unlike any other day, especially in nice weather.

Aaron at Belmont and Clark and then my brother's ex girlfriend/yoga instructor at Schubert and Clark.

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Eek...I hope your camera is okay :-P

I'll keep my eye out for if and when you post it. Thanks! :-)

Nope- that's not me- whew...thought I had been caught! :) 

Serge Lubomudrov said:


Melanie K said:

Eek...I hope your camera is okay :-P

I'll keep my eye out for if and when you post it. Thanks! :-)

I ran into Shawn yesterday on the Elroy-Sparta trail. 

It was nice to see you on the trail, Sue.

That's awesome. One of these years I'll finally make it with my dad to that trail.  Did you have to use your headlamps?

Sue Clark said:

I ran into Shawn yesterday on the Elroy-Sparta trail. 

Headlights and a rain jacket were especially needed for Tunnel #3.  
Julie Hochstadter said:

That's awesome. One of these years I'll finally make it with my dad to that trail.  Did you have to use your headlamps?

Sue Clark said:

I ran into Shawn yesterday on the Elroy-Sparta trail. 

why a rain jacket?  Did it rain or is it cold/mildewy?

Shawn C. said:

Headlights and a rain jacket were especially needed for Tunnel #3.  
Julie Hochstadter said:

That's awesome. One of these years I'll finally make it with my dad to that trail.  Did you have to use your headlamps?

Sue Clark said:

I ran into Shawn yesterday on the Elroy-Sparta trail. 

It rained briefly in the morning and the water 'poured' from the tunnel ceiling and walls.

Saw Serge on the LFT by Chicago. I think he was sketching, or maybe writing a love letter or a poem, or something. He had a notepad on his lap and a pen/pencil

anyone going to the elroy sparta trail be sure to hit the gift shop at the trailhead. they sell bumper stickers that read "my other car is a bicycle". pick me up a couple extras and I'll gladly reimburse you ;-)

It was nice to see you, also, Shawn. I like the pic of you coming out of the tunnel.

Tunnel #3, which is 3/4th of a mile long, was very drippy. I had the headlight on the bike, but wish I'd also brought the headlight I was using for camping. 

Other than the little bit of rain outside the tunnels and the lot of rain in one tunnel, it was a nice trail. Also nice to not have to worry about being doored.

For a round & a shot! shhhhhhh

Aaron Bussey said:

just don't tell people I was driving - shhhhhhhh


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