today i hated god, the mfg of my crappy gloves, all bus truck and deisel engine drivers, and this 360 f'n headwind!!!


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How can anyone hate Brussels sprouts? Get a half pound of good, fresh green ones, trim the stems, lightly oil, salt and pepper them, and roast them with some smashed garlic at about 350 for about 45 minutes. They're like french fries.

Chris C said:
I hate brussel sprouts

I bitch about the headwinds I encounter more than anything.  And like you, even though I'm sure we are coming from completely different directions, the wind is ALMOST ALWAYS in my face.  Even when its coming from the side.


G-D'd headwind.

wigner said:

exactly, james. and at that bearing - straight ahead - it's a perpetual headwind for this guy.

it may be mathematically impossible, but you are not accounting for murphy's law which trumps math, tank.

Today I hated my new boots, which are doing a bang-up job on my heels as I'm walking to work to break them in
Touché good sir!

wigner said:

it may be mathematically impossible, but you are not accounting for murphy's law which trumps math, tank.

People who hate brussel sprouts have eaten ones that were cooked incorrectly or stored/processed incorrectly.


They get bitter and nasty if not prepared right.  Your recipe sounds delish.  Usually I just get the frozen kind that are sold by "Steams in the bag" brand.  No other frozen types are any good or at least can't be microwaved the quick and easy way.  But somehow (I don't know how they do it) the "Steams in the bag" brand brussel sprouts come out nearly perfect every time.  Don't pierce the bag -just throw it into the nuke-o-matic for 5 minutes and then let it sit for another minute.


Perfect every time.  I don't know how it is done -if it is in the packaging process or the bag itself, but they are great. Add a little butter and salt and they are YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY.  They cost about $2/bag though at Dominicks.   But they are a simple and easy dessert to prepare.

Dr. Doom said:

How can anyone hate Brussels sprouts? Get a half pound of good, fresh green ones, trim the stems, lightly oil, salt and pepper them, and roast them with some smashed garlic at about 350 for about 45 minutes. They're like french fries.

Chris C said:
I hate brussel sprouts



But you should have seen that one coming.

Probably because they taste horrible, even wrapped in bacon.

Dr. Doom said:
How can anyone hate Brussels sprouts? Get a half pound of good, fresh green ones, trim the stems, lightly oil, salt and pepper them, and roast them with some smashed garlic at about 350 for about 45 minutes. They're like french fries.

Chris C said:
I hate brussel sprouts
Taxi drivers and Taxis in general. I hate them. I despise them. No word is too strong for my disgust for taxis.

I can't truly hate the strong winds that seem to blow against me no matter which direction I am cycling in, because sometimes I secretly enjoy the headwinds. And wind isn't a who, it is a what.

But I do hate taxi drivers and the taxis they drive. I am sure there are a few good taxi drivers out there that respect cyclists. I just haven't met one yet and until I do I will continue to hate taxi drivers.
I hate standard time and the fact that we are not on ET.
March 13, here I come...
Goooood. Let the hate flow. It gives you strength.

Shay said:

I work in Hyde Park and wow, spring can be damn cold in this neighborhood!  It's weird to commute from Logan Square to Hyde Park and notice the extreme temp changes some days.  Just this morning I was cursing that freezing wind blowing off the lake in HP, which was non-existent in Logan Square.

You'll feel a lot different come summer when the cool breeze coming off the lake is a great way to cool off on your ride.   It's almost as good as taking a quick dip in the lake.

Nice day. But it would be nice if, for once, the 30 mph north wind that was in my face all the way in would show up for my ride home and be a friendly tail-wind.

I today again hate that fracking head wind.


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