I'm on a budget and need a set of rims since I egged mine on Saturday.
I would love to get a set at a LBS but no funds.
I have roughly $150.00 and I found 2 sets with good reviews.



Any thoughts??
1st set says hand built so I think that is a plus.
2nd set claims to be lighter?

These are going to replace my Oval 330's

Don't flame me to hard, I'm on a real tight budget :(


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yep they dropped in price and I got those!!!
Glad I waited a little longer :) 
And no you are not imagining things!

Not if you buy a decent wheel you don't...

And who stands behind those wheels if there is a problem with them?

Tominator said:

Not to rank on LBS because I try to buy local also, but for this price, even with a truing, you're coming out ahead.

Lanterne Rouge said:

I agree. My CR-18 wheels purchased online needed to be trued and tensioned at the LBS. I only purchased online because the pricing including the wheels and truing still beat buying from the LBS by a wide margin. Otherwise, I have purchased from the LBS before because they were a better overall price value. At least when you buy from the LBS, it's a 100% guaranteed wheel.

Both of those are not very good wheels.

If you do get them make sure you have a shop check them for tension, true them and de-stress the spokes for you if you don't have the tools/knowledge to do so.  In my experience when I see inexpensive internet wheels they almost always have build issues; I have even seen much nicer ones than those that have had to be detensioned and then refinished.

I know it is a huge risk I am taking.
If I do have an issue with the rims yeah shame on me.
I'll have to hope the place stands behind them.
I will go to a LBS to get them trued up.
I have nothing against a LBS but at this price I'm willing to take a risk.


Do you still have these for sale? I might be interested. I can't message you until you friend me so. . .

KevinM said:

I also have a used set of actually handbuildt wheels that I'd sell for $150. 36h XT hubs to Mavic rims. PM me if you're interested. 

Rims arrived today! Good packaging and true out of the box!

Try to find someone who has a spoke tension meter, if possible. If you find that all spokes are tensioned correctly, then you're out of the woods.

Which ones did you get? And I want an update after you've been riding on them awhile.

Tom , I got the Zerolites. They were 143 but dropped in price.
Just mounted them yesterday and they were true out of the box.
They weighed the same as my Oval 330's so pretty much an even swap.
Going to try and get some miles on them tomorrow.
Did a short ride and they performed the same as my Ovals though.

Okay here's a follow up.
The Zerolites were a good investment.
They have had no issues and are kinda bullet proof!
I hit a huge pothole with both front and rear rims and no damage!
Also they spin up real easy.
I have over 300 miles on them and I'm happy!


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