Where to find wooden crates for a front and rear rack?

Thinking about adding a nicely constructed wooden crate to the front and/or rear of my Racer but I have no idea where I would find such a thing. Maybe a hardware store but the Ace near me doesn't have any. Anyone have any good ideas where I could find some quality crates?

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Ooooooooh, good call :)

Just Called Sam's Wine and Liquor and they told me they always stick 'em outside after lunch time on Tuesdays-Friday. SCORE! Damn I love this site :)
Totally, wine crate boxes are functional, strong, and have some character. I've seen a few people using them as well, they look really cool. Maybe just give them a coat of spar varnish if you're going to be using them in foul weather.

Kristian M Zoerhoff said:
Maybe a wine shop will have some in back?
Here's a picture of a friend of mine's project bikes. Wine crate installed.

Here is another option: http://www.batescrates.com
Ridiculously expensive, but locally made and oh so pretty!

90 bucks. Geez, that guy is driving a Benz. Get some wood, some screws and a saw. A little stain and a bruised Ego will get you off cheap like a Wilson Ave. Wood Crate Hooker.

Duppie said:
Here is another option: http://www.batescrates.com
Ridiculously expensive, but locally made and oh so pretty!

hey thats my business and no im not driving a benz... i ride a trek. the price is high but so is the cost of good wood and there is alot of time into building one. anything handmade cost money these days. what price would you want to pay?
Yes, but the labor you've described is easily worth the $90 price, if you do it right. And hardwood is expensive unless you're able to get your own logs.

cutifly said:
90 bucks. Geez, that guy is driving a Benz. Get some wood, some screws and a saw. A little stain and a bruised Ego will get you off cheap like a Wilson Ave. Wood Crate Hooker.

Those look to be a little nicer then something a hobo scraped together out of junk he found in the alley, stainless hardware ain't free ya know?

Not my style but for the effort and materials put into I don't think anyone is getting ripped off.

cutifly said:
90 bucks. Geez, that guy is driving a Benz. Get some wood, some screws and a saw. A little stain and a bruised Ego will get you off cheap like a Wilson Ave. Wood Crate Hooker.

Duppie said:
Here is another option: http://www.batescrates.com
Ridiculously expensive, but locally made and oh so pretty!

thanx for defending me guys. your right the cup holders alone take a few hours to make. im not trying to get rich just get what i think there worth. i know there not for everyone,neither are wood grips for $50 but people pay for them. not to mention trek thought they were nice enough to put one on the cover of there 2010 catalog.
You just got a shout out in Urban Velo: http://urbanvelo.org/bates-crates-handmade-porteur-crates/. And for a handmade wood crate produced in a one-man shop, I think the price is definitely fair. Nice to see some cool handmade cycling accessories being produced in Chicago.

cole bates said:
thanx for defending me guys. your right the cup holders alone take a few hours to make. im not trying to get rich just get what i think there worth. i know there not for everyone,neither are wood grips for $50 but people pay for them. not to mention trek thought they were nice enough to put one on the cover of there 2010 catalog.
Hardwood is expensive, unless you know where to look. It's amazing all of the oak you can get by taking apart old dresser drawers... Dressers which are often left as trash in alleys... :)

Homebuilt said:
Yes, but the labor you've described is easily worth the $90 price, if you do it right. And hardwood is expensive unless you're able to get your own logs.

cutifly said:
90 bucks. Geez, that guy is driving a Benz. Get some wood, some screws and a saw. A little stain and a bruised Ego will get you off cheap like a Wilson Ave. Wood Crate Hooker.

Finally found an unlimited source of Crates. Got this today but just got the rear rack properly mounted so it will be a few days before I get the crate mounted onto the rack. I am going to mount the top piece of the crate to the bottom and double up the thickness to make it more sturdy. I am also eventually going to paint custom graphics to the crate and seal it to make it last as long as possible. The crate also came with wooden wine bottle holder inserts so I might paint them green and use em whenever I do a wine run or simply bring wine to the mother f-ing party. So much fun has been had on this project.

Green chainmail used as color for the mounting bolts.

Quick and dirty mock up of graphics


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