the new (spring 2013) bike map that everyone is huffing and puffing about - yes, that one laying on everyone's table at bike events - has a problem: My singular point of view points out that THIS year's "map" has, for some unknown reason, DELETED EVERY SINGLE BIKE SHOP THAT HAD APPEARED on the 2012 map! So, why, I ask? Got an idea why? When you get a flat next month "somewhere" in Chicago, you gonna know where the nearest help is? Not if you only have the latest 2013 map. Hope to hear from whoever made/designed this critical mess. thanks. norman k

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You might not like his answer, but Charlie Short did respond in the first thread you started about this:


I requested that everyone email me ( with their feedback about the map and I will do two things:

1. Respond personally to your questions.

2. Post in the original thread with information about the 2013 map and what we'll be including in the revised map. I'd like to answer everyone's questions at once.

Thanks for your patience. Everyone here will tell you that I do respond to email promptly.


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